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Starting seedlings of micro varieties, going to try growing them indoors over winter

[Image description: a seed starting tray, each cell with a label, the first few cells have little tomato seedlings.]

  • Good luck! What type of lighting are you using?

    • I bought an older version of these lights a couple years back. They do well enough for starting seedlings, but I need to devise a better method for raising and lowering them, as the pulley they come with is fiddly to adjust in the storage rack I'm using.

      I'm probably going to upgrade to something beefier once these guys outgrow the seedling stage.

  • Are you going to make pasta sauce with them?

    • Hah, I'm not planning anything until I've actually got tomatoes! But I'll probably be easting these fresh, as I've got lots of canned sauce, and good fresh ones would be a treat in the middle of winter.