Not even just the reaction videos anymore. Basically 100% of my YouTube feed is shocked faces and I basically only follow educational YouTubers and some fairly mild hobby channels
The OP thumbnail is brilliant, but missing at leaset one reaction layer. Of coures I've seen videos were the "youtuber" was reacting to someone's reaction to something, so...
... and this wouldn't be that bad, were it not for the fact that people gaming the algorithm with stupid low effort content works.
Donât forget to ask me to like, subscribe, AND ring the bell. All before Iâve watched any of your video other than the long and overproduced intro.
DeArrow is a plugin made by the same people who made SponsorBlock which tries, "to crowdsource better titles and thumbnails on YouTube," like how they crowdsource sponsor segments within a video.
Been trying it out for the past few hours and I think it makes YouTube more bearable but I always find myself clicking and checking what the old title was to make sure someone didn't completely butcher the new one they replaced it with, but maybe that's just me. I like it so far.