TL;DR the developers of slay the spire created a fun free card game within 3 weeks to explore and learn the Godot game engine. You can play it here:
Have they posted anything about their experiences developing this? I'm curious on their thoughts of Godot vs Unity. This might be the most established studio to ship something in Godot.
I used LibGDX years ago when developing my own engine on top of it for android gaming, but gave up after a year when it became evident I had to refactor more and more because I didn't know what I was doing when I started.
Godot has the best Linux support out of all popular game engines. Really depends on the controls really. But they could easily release a native Linux version, or proton is so good that I'd just assume a windows version would be flawless as well.
A comment the devs made on the steam announcement (under slay the spire) regarding someone being angry that this was prioritized over slay the spire 2:
Hi there, this is just a small, free game we made in a few weeks for a game jam in order to get acquainted with the engine that our next big game is currently being ported to. We figured our fans would be interested in knowing what we're up to as we work on our upcoming title since switching from Unity has extended its development time.
We're currently back to work on our next big game, this time refreshed and with lots of new tools under our belt! Hope people have a fun time trying this out if they'd like to!
So it's not like this is a big new genre for them, but it's also not meant to be a commercial for Godot.
To your edit, you doubled down hard in later posts, so I wouldn't say the hostility isn't completely undeserved.
I think you just really expected something different from what this was supposed to be, even when people explained to you exactly what it was supposed to be.