A top U.S. gun maker signed a previously undisclosed deal to put one of its rifles in the popular videogame franchise Call of Duty as part of a marketing plan to reach young customers, according to internal emails and company records.
I mean, it's bad, but it's not nearly the worst of the firearms industry's sins. Look up the Bushmaster 'Man Card' ads - Really outlines how the confluence of toxic masculinity and gun culture is a key factor in the prevalence of school shootings in the states.
It is, and it doesn't, but one of the important functions of journalism is a public accounting of details such as these and engendering conversation thereof.
Kind of funny, given how desperately gun manufacturers try to blame video games for gun violence. Honestly, I'm surprised this kind of thing doesn't happen more often. I mean if the oil industry is using Fortnight to reach younger audiences, it makes sense that gun companies would target people who play shooters.