That looks amazing. Probably the nicest looking Calendar interface I've seen and this is the first time I'm seeing a notification panel on Sway! What are you using for these?
these are the dotfiles (can you help me finding the css classes for the notification popup buttons? i have been hunting them all day long and i havent been able to find them, and there is no documentation for the css classes in the swaync documentation)
Great computer. Got me my undergrad and my wife through her masters program. Later we maxed out the RAM and did like a Core2 Quad upgrade and an SSD and it was great. Radeon upgrade gave us our first dual monitors. And yes it also ran Arch, but awesomewm.
Sold it as a downsize and move overseas thing. Good to see one still in use out there.
yeah, is a pretty good machine. Although i will change it for a ryzen apu box the next week, but i will keep it as a souvenir, after all this is my first computer