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  • Obsidian is really good. Very feature-rich and customizable.

    I personally prefer Joplin for a couple of reasons. It's fully open source and while it has less features and customizability, I also feel it keeps out of my way more to allow me to focus purely on taking notes and not messing around with other features. Obsidian encourages me to play with its extra features more, which for my case usually just reduces the productivity of my note-taking.

    Probably just a me-thing. I tend to gravitate to more straightforward and minimalist solutions generally.

  • Obsidian is the best thing I've been able to find for my use case. I'm able to fudge collaboration for the things I need by using separate files and dataview to combine. As soon as someone comes out with an open source alternative that has plaintext storage, local-first editing, and live collaboration, I'm switching to that.