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  • A good read. The citation at the end is hitting me harder than expected right now.

    In truth, the reason you have never liked to stick your head above the parapet is for fear of being shot at by your peers. As a fellow scientist I understand that – I really do. There is nothing worse than being ridiculed within your own community. It can, I know, mean loss of prestige, a squeeze on funding, and a closing down of opportunities for advancement. I understand, therefore, why you continue to play down anything that might draw attention, why you lie low, tow [sic – toe] the party line.

    ‘I know, too, what you really think and feel about climate change, because I have talked to many of you in private, and the response – without exception – has been that the true situation is far worse than you are prepared to admit in public. So, behind the facade, I know that you are torn between speaking out and holding back, that you are as desperate as anyone for the measures to be taken that the science demands. Most of all, I know that you fear, as much as anybody else, for your children’s future in the world of climate chaos they will be forced to inhabit.’

  • It’s like procrastination on a large scale. The bathroom needs to be cleaned, but seems overwhelming, so we distract ourselves and wait for someone else to do it. But this cleaning is gonna require time, work, and pain. So, let’s just go to the movies instead.