The rating is 77.
77 is the lowest rating a game in the main series of Assassins Creed has received.
This means the other games have 78 or up.
How in the world is this considered bad? For an entire fucking franchise?
Not a fan of the series or anything but I just think it's ridiculous how this is an actual headline!
Don't the journalists have nothing else to report on regarding video games and the industry? Layoffs? Toxic people and business practices? Microtransactions?
Nah, instead they go: "pretty good (but not great) game is slightly less good than other pretty good (but not great) games in an overall pretty good (but not great) franchise."
The headline says it’s the lowest-rated game in the series, not that Mirage is a bad game.
The article bases itself on a single data point, which leaves a lot of room for interpreting. Which the author does a little.
But it’s nowhere mentioned or claimed that Mirage is a badly-reviewed game or doesn’t sell well. It’s just the lowest entry so far. And that’s what everybody should take away from that headline, followed by ignoring the hollow clickbaity article altogether.
It's not even the lowest so far, it's the third lowest. Unity and Rogue where rated lower, and I get that. unity was a buggy mess on launch but is my personal least favorite even after they fixed it, and Rogue was basically a black flag expansion, which was fine. I don't think that deserved to be so low cause I found the story great, an assassin defecting to the Templar was exactly the sort of story the series needed to show, that not everyone sees the assassins as the good guys.
Mirage so far is.. ok. I've done a fair share of exploring the map and I can say it's probably only the size of one of Valhallas expansions, which is fine, we paid a fraction of the price they charge for a full assassins creed game. Some assets are reused from Origins, which is fine, we're in the desert again. I'm not sure if it's just the shock of going from a fully leveled Eivor to a skilless unequipped Basim, which I experienced the past 2 games, or if this is generally harder than previous entries. Thr fact they brought back notoriety mechanic that was missing from valhalla, and also brought back the mercenaries hunting you from Odyssey, AND the fact that when you die your notoriety doesn't reduce, and while they brought back the stupid wanted poster mechanic, they are few and far between to rip down, and you need special tokens to bribe the town criers.... I'm liking the new challenge, keeps me on edge, makes me really think about whether I should kill a guard or sneak by.
I watched a review video that was praising everything in this game. "Finally another good AC." "The vombat is fun and challenging." "Looks fantastic on the new engine."
Then i watched just some guy playing it and it honestly looks janky as hell. He always got stuck while parkouring, the parkour itself seems like the same press one button to do parkour, but this time it's really jank. There is no weapon variety at all. The combat looks really bad, it looks like the least fun combat in all these kind of games. The world looks really good, but the people in the world the jank ass AI and NPC doing weird shit while looking pretty Bethesda like. I haven't played it, but how this got a 77 or anything above a 5/10 is beyond me.
I mean, valhalla did have every weapon under the sun, sure, but before unity you couldn't even permanently switch your weapon. Swords and hidden blade are all you had, other than utility items like maybe a gun or bombs. In some earlier games you could disarm your enemies and use their weapons, but other than that it was Swords. So with this being a 'return to classic AC' it's actually chill that there's only a couple different Swords and daggers to equip, rather than an arsenal. It's just not what this game was going for. Combat does take a bit to get used to coming from valhalla but I wouldn't say it's 'janky' it's just far more tactical. In valhalla or Odyssey you could murder entire fortresses of dudes like it was nothing in your combat gear, but this is going back to stealth. You wanna take out guys stealthily cause combat is much harder. You need to do your strikes precisely, parry and dodge at the right times, choose which envies to attack in order of threat and ability to take them out. I like it.
Parkour looks like it's taken at least 3 steps backwards. I always found it so frustrating to repeatedly press up against a wall instead of running up it, or leaping across little gaps instead of just walking the railing, or doing the little run up the wall and fall back down even when it's clearly a climbable surface. It was slowly becoming less common in each game, but this one just looks like pure regression in terms of movement.
Did you like Unity? Because I’m in the minority that didn’t like Unity. Love to hear someone’s opinion who says “most fun since Black Flag”, man that game was awesome
I need to keep a save file around 10 hours into Black Flag. That game is fun once you’re free roaming with a somewhat upgraded ship but man is it excruciating to get to that point
I'm playing out of sync. I did Valhalla Odyssey and now I'm playing through origin. I enjoyed a lot of Valhalla. I can see how they tweaked and polished from origins. I think I preferred the scenery in Odyssey and maybe the story and people. Valhalla had best fighting and slo mo. Graphics were outstanding and voice acting was pristine by Valhalla.
Valhalla is a nice action game but it’s no AC game. Especially the stealth part and name-sake Assassination gameplay take up too little space.
And the skill tree they copied from PoE is just ridiculously overloaded - symptomatic for Ubisoft‘s approach to the whole game: it’s so convoluted.
I really enjoyed Valhalla but as an AC entry it disappoints.
Valhalla has easily the worst combat of the three full on RPG AC games. Long attack animations every other time you finish an enemy off whilst all the others stand there patiently, for example.
Then there's the unbelievably terrible barred doors that are absolutely everywhere (they are in mirage as well) which is the shittest, lowest effort puzzle they could have ever thought of and they repeated it every fifteen feet. Good luck maintaining stealth whilst you have to go back outside and circle the building looking for a hole in the wall to shoot an arrow through in a completely plausible and not at all deliriously stupid way.
Then there's the offensively shallow side missions, the barely having anything to do with assassins for the vast majority of the shockingly bloated game, the sheer bugginess (tall grass used to disappear when I got close to it, all the way through the game), spending twenty minutes finding a chest that you spotted with your bird only to discover it's impossible to access until you're on or have completed a specific story mission. Having to wait for your raiders to open bloody chests, despite them being buggy idiots who will stand around ignoring you for five seconds before moving towards it as slowly as possible - all this, including three horrendous barred doors, in the middle of a Viking raid, because a Viking is incapable of breaking open a door somehow. Awful.
I love assassin's creed, I've played all of them. Valhalla ruined the RPGs.
Even though it went back to its roots I felt the sheath was near impossible. I even went back to black flag to see if I can still sheath in it. I had no issues in black flag but in mirage I just can't seem to sheath around without someone finding me. Story not bad, parkour is hit or miss which does feel more like older Assassin Creed.
It's because the game is just mechanically Valhalla, the worst stealth iteration in the entire series. You would try to bow someone from a tree, hood up, completely unseen and the moment he dies the random soldier behind 3 walls 200 feet away knows exactly where you are and now you're in combat. Trying to go back to their roots using the same engine as Valhalla was a major misstep.
Hard disagree. The best games were the Ezio trilogy and Black Flag. And a lot of people hated Black Flag because it wasn't a game about an Assassin, but it had all the best mechanics from the previous games plus the best ship gameplay and it had an excellent voice cast.
Unity was great, after they fixed it. But the series nosedived after that.
I agree, every ac game is a copy of it's former. it was good once when the idea was fresh but today, a game so repetitive doesn't pass for me and every story is the same only a different location.
A research team investigate a guy from some country who had a bad childhood, had the same hawk with same abilities - climbing of thousands of high buildings, infiltrating or raiding villages, has a ship that helps him get to these villages.
And do it over and over again.
Oh, and don't forget the millions of collectibles that are really hard to find since the map doesn't help you with that.