Bear in mind, BG3 is more much like your typical cRPG while Disco Elysium is more akin to Planescape: Torment but without combat.
Both are extremely well-written, and I would say Disco Elysium is arguably one of the best written games period, but don’t go into DE expecting a whole lot of combat - it’s much more like a visual novel than a cRPG.
I'm doing an evil playthrough now and finding various things I missed from the first playthrough. But oof, I feel really awful about the horrible things the game lets you do. 😅
Oh man every so often I boot it up with fresh mods! I love that game so much.
I remember when it launched, I never heard of it, didn't see any promotional material and just bought it out of curiosity. Was an incredible surprise and put so much hours into it
I was a huge fan of oblivion and I remember staying up into the early hours at uni waiting for the crack to be released. I put 16 hours in on the first day and never really looked back.
Currently wrestling with whether or not I can justify spending £800 on my pc to play starfield....
I know a lot of people like them, but you just listed a lot of my least favourite Zelda games. Wind Waker (before the remake, I heard there were a lot of QoL changes that I had issue with from the original?), Phantom Hourglass and Skyward Sword. I would've beat my head against a desk if you said Spirit Tracks.
But people do enjoy these, so I hope you like them much more than I did.
Contraband Police - it's like Papers Please, but since it's in first person, it's more complex - you have to manage the whole border crossing area with the few staff you have, you have a car that you have to manually drive to a supply shop and to drop prisoners and contraband off at, and you can get ambushed along the way or at your base, where you're manually be shooting at smugglers with guns you buy.
Shadows of Doubt - A game where you play as a detective in a city and you have to solve cases (sometimes murders) and often end up committing crimes yourself along the way. A lot of cases solved used by matching faces to names to fingerprints to voices to jobs to blood type, eye colour, hair colour, age, and so on. Extremely addictive and often hilarious, despite how buggy this early access game is.
Dicey Dungeons - A roguelike deckbuilder with 6 different classes where you roll dice against cards with different effects and your enemy does the same to you. I don't love roguelikes and really don't like deck games but this one is really appealing, and has a great soundtrack. The different classes play through a LOT of different "episodes" where the rules of the game change.
also playing a lot of Heroes of the Storm every goddamn night
Controls quite fun ngl I got it for free as part of the epic games promotion I've played it a couple of times and I've enjoyed it never got round to completing the campaign sadly I think I got to the maintenance area before having to call it quits
It's one of those games that do a magic trick and make time go poof. Very deep, tons of things to do, and extremely moddable with a rich ecosystem. Something you can easily sink hundreds of hours into without even realizing it.
I love both of those games so much. RE7 as the spooky RE experience I was too young to have when the first 2 came out, and RE8 as a campy horror movie (that spawned amazing memes on the subreddit before reddit went to shit) that is extremely fun to play. It's also short enough that you can blast through again and again trying to beat your last time or trying out different guns... Loved it. Though it was cheesey, I did love the Winters' story by the end—even made me tear up a lil
I've never tried brotato may give it ago although vampire survivors may be up your valley its in the same genre I've been playing a couple rounds every so often on my phone
Vampire survivors is in my library and liked it too, but I prefered Brotato. More variation, your selection matter more and no 360 weapons you can overpower.
Have about 200 hours of Valheim logged with my wife. I'm honestly feeling burned out, but she's still into it, so I'm trying my best to remain interested. I love this game, but we've been playing of so much.
Don't remember how far I got, maybe 2/3 of the biomes, then I burned out and got bored. That was a while back, and flattening the land was really glitchy. I'd have an area perfectly flattened and ready to commence building, save it all down, come back next day, and it'd all gone to shit again. I got sick of trying. It became more of a grind just to get back to my last save point than I wanted, and gave up on it.
And frankly I'm amazed with how good it is. I never thought this would be "my type of game", and it's not like I'm "wanna play this for 8h a day" addicted, in fact I get my fill after an hour or 2, but it's just great. Like really great, so far 9 out of 10 for me.
I’m in persona 5 royale whenever I’m solo and just finishing up season 1 of Diablo 4
Persona’s really, really big (based of persona 4 I thought I knew when it would finish, but my guess was way off) and diablo’s doing a good job of being “video game golf”
-The franchise as a whole has fantastic lore/good story. Like good enough to where if nothing else check out some lore videos here.
-If you like diving into buildcrafting it is a pretty good series to get into. Same goes for if you like grinding for better loot.
-The different classes are all pretty unique and all classes offer multiple ways to play the class. For example on Druid tou can be a Werewolf that zips around clawing at enemies at highspeed inflicting enemies you melee with a bunch of poison. Or you can be a Werebear that slams the ground to cause earthquakes to cast out in front of you. Or you can focus on throwing out tons of tornadoes and lightning. To name a few.
-The game is going to be supported for quite some time, as i believe are two planned DLCs for the game plus regular seasonal content. In fact they are almost to season 30 of Diablo III and still supporting that game.
-The devs have become very committed recently about being open on the when and why of any changes well in advance.
-The game is still trying to find itself balance wise. In xp drops, in class skill balance, in armor abilities, in resistance stats. Key features that were added later in Diablo III’s lifetime just straight up not brought into IV for some reason.
-This is oversimplifying it a lot, but the above plus some previous lack of open communication of changes has lost a lot of goodwill between players and devs. To the point they had to have a kind of emergency meeting stream about what they did and make promises to fix. So far it seems they are doing what they can to keep those at least.
-The monetization is fully in your face. Now i will say, IMO it is not the worst game by any means. There arent any pay to win mechanics from what i have seen (a big problem in Diablo:Immortal), but the cosmetic stuff is there, it is advertised, and IMO pretty damn overpriced.
-The endgame right now sucks. Now I’ll preface this by saying this should be one of the promised things changing very soon. But it currently really only consists of running harder and harder versions of the same dungeons with limited lives over and over and over again. And the way the dungeons are made harder is not just the enemy level, but with modifiers that a lot of players feel to be unfair. Like having enemies crowd control you in place repeatedly preventing you from moving or acting as they just simply kill you.
That said, all in all i do recommend trying the game if RPGs/ARPGs even remotely interest you. Id give it something like a 7.5/10, and they do seem pretty committed to the long haul of supporting and improving the game. You could easily sink 30+ hours into the game. If you would like any more detail on any of those points id be happy to answer.
A friend got me into New World when he started playing, never played an MMO more for more than a week but this one seems like it might hold me for awhile. Waiting on D4 season 2. A little bit of cyberpunk 2077 since the dlc dropped and Project Zomboid when I'm in the mood. ALSO KATAMARI DAMACI.
Ooo you play project zomboid I haven't seen the sun since I started playing that game I've gotten 850.1 hours put into it i think I joined on build 39 when they introduced vehicles
The next major update is going to be glorious. If you haven't been following it I suggest you should. They post updates on their progress every few weeks.
Started playing Starfield and it really made me want to revisit fallout 4, I’m now deep back into a new play through of Fo4 with 22 hours played in the last 2 weeks. Really enjoying it again.
I started Starfield and dropped it after about 3ish hours (happy for you if you liked it, I just couldn’t find anything interesting there), beat Lies of P (could be the best of the non-Bandai soulsbourne games), and just started up The Lamplighters League (a fun X-com style game that’s good, but REALLY poorly optimized, so buyer beware).
Looking forward to Spider-man 2 though, only a few more weeks!
It’s a ton of fun, and I hope you check it out! As an fyi on the combat, it is very perfect block centric like Seikiro, which I know is not everyone’s favorite Fromsoft game. I think the demo that’s out there gives you a pretty substantial preview though, so feel free to judge for yourself :)
I’m playing lots of different games lately; I’m in a contest for achievement hunting and it requires me to earn varying achievements. Lately it’s been Madden 23, Vampire Survivors, Hitman 2, Spyro Remastered trilogy and Walking Dead New Frontier.
I've been playing BG3. Im still in the beginning. I rolled a sorcerer. Some foppishly dressed guy poked my eye out, I was bitten by a fabulous vampire, I killed a drow by dropping them in a ravine, I made friends with mushroom people when I brought them another drow's head, and I wish Lae'zel and Shadowheart would stop making barbed comments at each other and just go fuck.
When I don't have time to get involved with BG3, I play a little game called "Noita" which is a little game with a little wizard and his magic wands, and the point of the game seeems to be "How far can you get before you set yourself on fire"
Dome Keeper - Picked it up over the weekend and played it a ton on my steam deck. The replay value is pretty high for me at the moment. I haven't explored everything it has to offer yet.
Rimworld, in a fucked up way, has become my comfort game, so it's taken up a good chunk of my playtime recently.
Got a nice little colony going, nestled in some mountains. Working on clearing out our "home" area, and then I want to start coring out the others to keep this look of a quiet, sleepy village nestled among the rocks until you step into our killbox and realize we're actually a highly militarized group of escaped slaves with Spacer-grade gear, a GlitterNet set-up running our defenses, and no plans of going back.
At least, that's the plan. Now that I have the first wing of a permanent hospital down, I'm planning on getting the colony gym up and running, hopefully not have a meltdown happen when Partridge realizes his husband, Dog, is now psychically bonded with, and boning, the new Highmate, Sarai, and hopefully remember to actually finish building the prisons hospital wing and the bones for the Ripper and Hema wings so we're prepared for when we need subcores and blood.
I might put the organ harvesting wing near the beach. Let the bastards have one last look at the ocean before a sawbones rips their liver out.
Beat STASIS last week after seeing MandaloreGaming's review. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Gonna give STASIS: Bone Totem a shot soon, I think.
I found my evil Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough a bit underwhelming, so I went and restarted as a himbo barbarian wood elf, and I've been having a lot more fun with that build. Heart of gold with no brains has been really funny so far, especially when half my dialogue options as a Berserker are just to shout at people or punch them.
I‘m playing it in HDR and having a good time, just enjoying the spectacle, although the cops could be more loseable without ramps, I can see that annoy me towards the end of the game lol
..2 years ago, Rocket League. Last year, RL. This year, RL. Next year, RL… It never ends. Really the only game I never get bored of, and I have an embarrassingly amount of hours on it. Almost purely snowday.