I've been trying to solve a problem with my arch (endeavour) instalation and wanted to know if anyone here can help
Everything is working well, excepting the WiFi connection. It is extremely slow, sometimes disconnecting from the network, and in the task bar, the WiFi icon shows that the signal strength is weak, although the router is in the same room. Switching between r8168 and r8169 as recommended doesnt work. Any ideas?
I did some digging.
Check if iwlwifi kernel module is loaded with lsmod | grep iwlwifi
If not sudo modprobe iwlwifi
Then in /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf add
options iwlwifi swcrypto=1 11n_disable=1
And reboot, check if the problem is still persistent. If it is let me know, as there's a few more things we can try like disabling power management.
Ah yes. I had the same issue. The realtek drivers for Wi-Fi suck on Linux. I never managed to solve it and in the end I bought an Intel AX200 and never had any more issues.
If you have to option to switch to an Intel Wi-Fi card I would highly recommend it.
@Link@linux Yeah, I'm thinking that that could be the way. I've already had a lot of progress maintaining the connection by configuring iwlwifi but it is still way slower than it should
You can try the LTS kernel if that is available on your distro but honestly Intel Wi-Fi cards are the way to go on Linux. I wouldn't buy anything else!
@driving_crooner@linux Just did it, but no change at all. I think that would be the solution if the card weren't recognized, but the issue here is that it connects but erroneously reports weak wifi signal
Sorry it didn't worked. Mine have the problem, it's recognize that have a wifi connection and the available networks, but with a really weak signal.The problem with my router is that it has two antennas, for some reason sometimes the second one, who doesn't work on mint, get selected but I run that lines and work again. The first line is for reseting the router, the second is for turning out again with antenna 1 selected.