My serial killer trait is that I use vi instead of vim cause I'm too lazy to type the extra character. Tho if for some reason, vi tab completed to vim, I'd probably use vim
I'd need to run vi at least 5 times to have a net gain in saving keystrokes. I'm typically in effemerial systems created by the users of our env, so rarely am I going to gain those strokes back
But also, why am I trying to apply logic to this? I'll often cat a file before editing it. This shit is just illogical idiosyncrasies I've picked up over the years. I'm probably creating posthoc justifications for insane things I do cause it's hard to override muscle memory
I'm in DevOps so I'm in a lot of effemerial systems so in practice, I will run into systems where profile hasn't been set up. Tho I do like the idea of making sure all systems properly have that aliased cause it'd be serial killer vibes to spend hours of time to make sure that I can save a keystroke.
Tho it'd never make it through PR. Also, wild require explaining to my coworkers that I do this
I'll have to check tomarrow if RHEL and UBI do this.
Did some quick googling and looks like cent has that alias by default but doesn't do it when root. Which would explain why I do get inconsistent results with vi. I never thought about it in detail besides just knowing that there are some visual changes. Thanks for the info, I'll be noticing this now that I know!
You are missing out! I used to only use vim to edit config files. So I knew my way around (albeit, slowly). I installed the IdeaVim plugin a week ago and learned some new key bindings I wasn't using. A week in I'm almost faster than before! And it's only going to get better after I've acquired muscle memory (I'm nearly there.) and move on to complex key bindings/sequences. Then it will probably be as if the cursor is directly connected to my mind. I'm hopeful because I've seen a mentor of mine do it.
You guys recommend VSCodium over VSCode. Is there a working sync solution similar to the one built into VSCode where you can sync all settings and extensions between machines?
Yes! It's this one I really like it for using a normal repository over a "gist" and so you can also use any git server provider, I think the developer is also a contributor of VSCodium itself
Any particular reason why you don't code in Emacs? Since you already set up Org Mode and Org Roam, I'm sure you know how the configuration works and how to write some Elisp. It's actually not that much work to set up all the things you would need for programming (lsp-mode, etc.)
I guess I just preferred VSCode for coding? Every time I've tried to use Emacs for my coding workflows I've given up, I think I'm just used to VSCode in that respect. It is weird, I know.