Finally comes the news that the Master Collection won't support keyboard and mouse. Konami launched and then took down the game's Steam page but, for the brief period it was up, it contained this text: "Notice: Metal Gear Solid–Master Collection Version requires a controller in order to play. Playing with a keyboard and mouse isn’t supported."
Makes me wonder if these versions are going to have any advantages over just emulating the originals, and MGS1 and 2 even had official PC releases with fan mods to patch them.
There are some pressure sensitive controls in, at least, MGS3 that relied on the dualshock's capabilities. I assume there will be adjustments to that. It was a barrier when I tried to emulate it.
Please for the love of Big Boss I only ask that we get the Subsistence camera angles and that the pressure control shenanigans have been solved in a good way.
I wish MGS4 would get a remaster, or even a (good) port. I use a version of RPCS3 setup specifically for MGS4 and it's still pretty bad, getting low to mid 20s FPS.
Granted, I haven't looked into emulation at a lower level, so I could probably get better performance if I knew what to change. /shrug