Where to get free cock.li invites?
Where to get free cock.li invites?
I recently wanted to use cock.li as my main email service but I'm not sure where to get a free invite
... Why would you want to use that?
22 1 Reply.......penis.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
26 0 ReplyI feel enlightened. When's your next talk!
7 0 Reply
I have two emails in cock.li, I use them to troll people
1 0 ReplyIt allows integration with IMAP and SMTP and allows users to connect from TOR.
It might be useful if you use the airmail.cc domain name as a default email identity.
2 1 Reply
Opened the website and was immediately greeted with the n word. No thanks.
23 8 ReplyI did a Ctrl+F on the homepage and didn't find any hit for that word.
2 0 ReplyIt‘s in one of the randomly changing quotes, appeared for me after a couple of refreshes.
15 1 Reply
What is it and why?
10 0 ReplyMaybe wait?
Public registration re-opens on cock.li's 10th birthday, 20 November
7 0 ReplyWell that’s a nice list of professional email domains. /s
4 0 ReplyI don't know what li invites are but for your first request you could try tinder. /s
2 0 Reply