Found £2.80 down the back of our couch while cleaning. What should we spend it on?
Found £2.80 down the back of our couch while cleaning. What should we spend it on?

The two pound coins are especially manky, if that affects your suggestions at all.
I_Comment_On_EVERYTHING Glue them to an excessively large canvas, title it "The trickle down from the billionaire's wealth. Found behind my couch" and sell it for a couple hundred grand to an art gallery.
23 0 ReplyTeaHands OP
See I did like the charity suggestion. But a couple hundred grand is a lot more charity, so you might win.
6 0 Reply
Put it in an old coat pocket and be surprised next year when you put it on and find extra change in it.
12 0 ReplyTeaHands OP
Haha, a treat for my future self? She likes the way you think!
5 0 ReplyDelightfulBreeze It's gonna be worth even less next year :'(
2 0 Reply
A freddo?
9 0 ReplyTeaHands OP
*sad 90s kid noises*
6 0 Reply
It's your lucky day! Invest it on a lotto ticket 😂
6 0 ReplyTeaHands OP
TIL they're two quid now?! Wtf
2 0 ReplyTheWeirdestCunt
Euromillions is still £1 a ticket at least
2 1 Reply
sweetchildintime Hah, look at Mr. Moneybags bragging about his wealth!
6 0 ReplyTeaHands OP
Mrs.* her*
Sorry. Gotta fight the assumptions. Guilty as accused on the bragging though.
12 0 Replysweetchildintime My profuse apologies, Mrs Tea I will endeavour to be gender neutral in any further insults.
8 0 Reply
peto (he/him) I can give you an apple or half a stamp. Best I can do.
5 0 ReplyTeaHands OP
How to choose!
2 0 Reply
@TeaHands Throw in the North Sea and wish Brexit would never had happened?
5 0 ReplyTeaHands OP
If only!
3 0 Reply
JTheDoc Go to Wilko, see what tat they still have left over from closing down.
It being good value at a huge discount is still not guaranteed.
5 0 Replydedido Couple of pumpkins!
Then carve them like turkeys.4 0 ReplyAntimutt
4 0 ReplyTeaHands OP
Ooh those do look lush although...weird flavour choice there when sour cherry & apple was an option!
3 0 Reply
peg Conservative Party membership.
Nah, only kidding.
Put it towards your energy bill and hope your can afford to keep warm this winter.
4 0 ReplyMr_Blott I liked the idea of donating to the food bank but wait...
What if you spent it on seeds? Like onions, carrot etc. Grow them then donate that to the food bank. Rinse and repeat
4 0 Reply3arn0wl Give it to someone with a greater need than you?
5 2 ReplyTeaHands OP
Well this is an unexpectedly wholesome suggestion and now how can we use it for anything else?
Could pop a fair bit of stuff in the foodbank collection for this, you're not wrong!
5 0 Reply3arn0wl Lovely idea
2 0 Reply
10p mix!
2 0 ReplyYeather Get a Mr. Whippy, most are still below £3
4 2 ReplyTeaHands OP
Hmm, how much does a flake set you back these days?
4 0 Reply
LEDZeppelin W
1 0 Replyslinkyninja Vimto.
1 0 Reply