So this is quite specific and I tried to fit the important stuff in the title, but here's further elaboration (because it is definitely needed).
When I remember documentaries about earth or universe (specifically how it was formed, big bang, or how the moon came to be, etc) from the nineties and early 2000s, then they seemingly all used the same kind of background music. Something that I can only describe as Old school LoFi, smooth but kind of exciting electronic beats.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about, and what this music really was called? Do you maybe even have some examples?
Edit: New Age fits best, Vangelis and Jean-Michel Jarre are really close to the (probably unknown) artists of the songs that I have in mind. The other recommendations are also great.
True they might evoke nostalgia for a more 70's/80's vibe.
Oneohtrix Point Never is pretty great too.
Whoever synth or vaporwave artists are sampling...
[edit] edited out a response for op.
I don't think that it actually answers your question, but I would like to point out that the sun is a mass of incandescent gas: a gigantic nuclear furnace.
Spacewave? It tends to be more slow paced and synth-heavy, and really evokes the feeling of giant planets and stars. For example: (at the 30 minute mark, though the very first song works too)