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What advice would you give a young adult about to move out?

I am asking this question because the young adult in question, is me. I am to move out in a few years, and it feels impossible to move far away from my hometown (which I want). I have no idea how to juggle both finances, a job, and the move itself. With the global inflation going on, it feels impossible getting hold of a decent apartment to rent.

What advice would you give someone like me? What should I keep in mind and prepare* myself for? What are your experiences moving out, or moving away from your hometown? How long did the process take for you, and how did you manage keeping a job that paid all your taxes and rent? If you could look back and give younger you some advice, what would you tell them?

(If it provides any context, I am North European.)

  • Lots of good advice in this thread. My contributions are to say don't move in with friends you aren't willing to lose. I did it despite the warnings and it turned out terribly. I can't say I regret it but depending on how the situation turns out for you it could range from losing someone youve been close to for most of your life to downright traumatic.

    Don't be afraid of renting rooms for a while (as a male, can't say that's a good idea for women or people in marginalized groups). It's cheaper, less binding, and frees up some funds to develop other areas such as reliable transportation, good furniture, etc.

    Take your time finding a place and be realistic with what you can afford. Being on your own is expensive and it's important to make sure you're moving somewhere you actually want to live and that will give you access to the things you need. Be it groceries, good job prospects, or education.

    I'm from the US so I'm not sure how things are in your country but it's rough out there. Take the time you have now to figure out a career field that you'd want to work in and that would provide the income for you to be financially independent. Immerse yourself in the culture and structure of that group. Find community pages, forums, websites and programs. Read it all and get an idea of what you'll be getting yourself into. You may become aware of adjacent industries or specialties within that field that interest you more than the job you were originally thinking about.

    Best of luck!

    • know where the fire extinguisher is and how to use it
    • ensure there are adequate and working smoke detectors. also carbon monoxide detectors if there is a risk from clothes dryers, etc.
    • keep at least 2 gallons of bottled water per person stored at all times
    • keep candles and matches in a location where you can find them in the dark
    • keep a fully stocked first aid kit
    • know where the nearest emergency room is and how to get there

    be safe and well! :)

  • I learned all these lessons the hard way, they are not fun lessons to learn. You will kick yourself later if you also learn them the hard way. First, get a job, today. Work experience before it is necessary will make many many things much easier than hitting everything all at once. As someone else previously stated, make a REALISTIC budget. Realistically, you will likely be making minimum wage. You should also start paying for things yourself so you know the true costs.

    You will likely need to stay in a cheap motel in the new city before anyone will give you a job there, and no one will give you a job there if you don't have a place to live. Additionally, no one will let you rent there if you don't have a job there. This means you will need to save about 3 months budget before moving into the seedy cheap motel in the new city (start now).

    When looking for a place to rent, find one that you can afford by yourself, then get a roommate if desired. Having a place you can only afford with a roommate, and them then moving out, makes you homeless. If you always plan for the worst (and hope for the best), you won't be caught with your pants down. Please note that generally the cheaper side of town is the more dangerous side of town. If you know anyone that lives there, ask them what parts of town to stay away from.

    I'm unsure of how credit/history works in your country, but get a (singular, one, JUST ONE) credit card. Use it ONLY once a month and ALWAYS pay it off EVERY month. I was not that smart. Everyone told me that, and I didn't listen. Now I'm still paying off debts over a decade later. If you don't listen to anything else, please take this point to heart. $100 is not a lot to have, but it is a lot to owe. If you want something, save for it.

    That said, don't buy it as soon as you have enough, you need to keep a good chunk in your savings account for emergencies (car broke down, lost your job, getting evicted because your landlord wants to rent it for 3x the price, etc). You should have a minimum of one months expenses saved at all times. I would recommend 3 months worth, but I know how hard that is (still try though).

    Start saving for a house and retirement as soon as possible. Put it in a bank/credit union that is easy to put money into, but hard to take it out of. Personally, I put it in a credit union that I can have my main bank send a check to, but can only get the money out in person, Monday through Thursday, from 10am to 4pm.

    Learn to cook now. Learning to cook without a teacher is hard. Not knowing how to cook makes buying groceries hard.

    Lastly, I don't recommend a financial planner. They are not free. The person who suggested it brought up retirement, the fact is, no one has any idea what you will need for it by the time you are eligible. Look at any ~70 year span, and then look at the retirement retirements at each end. The only thing you can know about what it costs to retire is that it will be a lot more than what your parents need.

    • @Thanatos931 @clark Worth noting that all of this is dependent on housing being attainable. Here in Victoria, :canparrot: rent for a room is often $1000CAD - nobody gets their own place unless they work full time, and well above minimum wage.

      Your best bet in this situation is to get a room in a house full of people you like being around, and stay there as long as possible. If you've got a place to yourself, stay there. If you can live healthily with your parents, stay there.

  • Wise of you to seek out advice and plan this far ahead. I’ve moved many times and have learned a thing or two.

    First, savings. Don’t minimize them. It’s always crucial to live within your means and have cash set aside. Everything costs more than you think. The move, the new place, the getting settled into a new place. Jobs may not work out. Bottom line, do whatever you can to have some savings and quickly replenish it if you have to dig in.

    Second, housing and transportation. Usually the two biggest out of pocket costs. Moving to a new area means you don’t know exactly where you want to live or what commutes are tolerable and where is worth living. So find something you’re comfortable with, but don’t overspend or get too committed. I love being close to work so I don’t have a long commute and will take a much smaller place to do so. I also don’t like living with roommates, so I often cut back transit costs and other expenses to live alone. If you don’t mind living with others, you can save a lot of money. But do not be house or car poor. See the first point.

    Third, furnishings and getting settled in. It will take time. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to create a picture-perfect home or have a big groups of friends right away. These things take time, especially to be done well. Cover your household basics (a good mattress is a worthwhile investment) then keep an eye out for second hand goods to get things started. Try to expand your horizons and join local groups or clubs to make some friends with similar interests. If you notice red flags, pay attention to them. Sometimes nasty people cling onto newcomers and can cause you unnecessary stress/problems. Seek out worthwhile relationships and nurture them instead.

    Moving to a new places is one of the most exciting and frightening things you can do. But as long as you avoid getting your bank account too close to zero and take your time while putting in effort to live like a local, it can be absolutely amazing. I’ve lived in different countries, met people from vastly different cultures, lived on entirely different cuisine, and simply had some of the most mind and soul-expanding adventures in new areas. I’ve also missed my home, my family, friends I left behind, things I gave up, and more. But the reality is that all the material stuff will come and go, the time with family and friends should be cherished but not limit your life, and at the end of the day, you are the one in charge of your destiny. It’s up to you and you alone to figure out where to live and what to do to discover happiness. Just make sure to give yourself a fighting chance. Don’t go broke. And avoid abusing anything. Moderation and variety.

    I write too much. Good luck!

  • Find a certified financial planner or the equivalent in your country (but walk away immediately if they start trying to sell you on whole life insurance or some other scummy products). You want someone who will act as a fiduciary and give you sound financial advice that's for your benefit and not theirs. At a young age, having that grasp of some financial concepts like what it takes to retire, what kind of emergency fund you need, how to protect your money from taxation as much as legally possible, what your budget should look like compared to other financially sound individuals, etc will make your life so much easier. I can't give you any advice beyond "seek out a fiduciary of some sort" because I don't know the specifics of your country in, however if you can save and invest instead of burying yourself in high interest debt, you'll be doing future you a huge favor.

    Also, travel while you're young and don't have kids because they'll take up a lot of time and it's difficult to travel with little ones.

    Take care of your whole body. This includes your eyes, ears, teeth, mind, brain, and all your extremities and vital organs. Eat a variety of nutritious foods at appropriate calorie levels to maintain a healthy weight, brush your teeth, do your cardiovascular exercises and resistance training, and see a doctor and dentist regularly.

    Stick with school, especially if it's free. It is hard paying off debt from school without a degree to help you.

    Love yourself and those around you.

  • A "few years" is not "about to move out". You've got a long time to work this out.

    It is very tough for your generation, no doubt at all. It's been getting tougher and tougher for the last 50 years. And I witnessed all of those years so I don't know that anything an old codger like me can say that would be useful to you.

    But it is still probably true that young people usually move away from their home towns for a job. So look for the job you can afford to move for and take it from there. Employers know that people have notice periods and need time to move, they won't be expecting you to start the next day.

    That is less true if you're stuck in low wage work so, if that is the case, get some work experience in an area where agency work is common (care work, warehousing, office temping, etc) or get stuck into the gig economy. Those jobs are portable and you can use agency work to find a permanent employer you like and who likes you.

    If you're in Northern Europe you will be able to claim in-work benefits if your housing costs are too high for your wage to support (just make sure you look up the rules on how much space you're allowed and how much support you will get).

    Moving only takes a day (unless you have shedloads to pack), and house-hunting from afar is one of the few things that is a lot easier these days. Once you know where you want to move to, pick a convenient day or two to visit, check all the online estate agents operating in the area and fix up as many appointments as you can fit in while you're there. If you see somewhere decent and affordable, don't waste any time applying for it (you can often get accepted on the spot).

    Make sure you think about public transport routes if you move before you know where you will be working. You will need to be close to good bus/tram/train routes to get you from home to where the jobs are, especially if you're going to start out with an agency. That's another thing that is fantastically easy to do from afar these days.

    You're either in the EU or you have freedom of movement within the EU so, if language barriers allow, you can cast your net pretty wide.

    Start saving now. Moving does not take long but it is costly. You get paid holiday because Northern Europe, so save that up for when you are ready to quit your job and use it to cover your notice period. That way they have to pay you for not turning up to work and you can get a new job while they're still paying you. Double pay for a few days or weeks goes a long way to covering costs you would otherwise struggle with.

    Good luck. Start planning. Even if it's just a fantasy right now, you'll come up with some ideas that might actually work and ways to overcome some barriers.

    Beware of scammers, especially anyone who approaches you because of a post on social media.

  • thrift stores are great for clothes and kitchen wares. a decent stainless steel pan, pot, and spatula will cover you for like 70% of your cooking needs.