TheFriar That’s perfect. My dick is 10 inches in diameter
52 2 Replylowleveldata Is it a tree trunk
9 0 ReplyPFShady Tuna can. I can’t bottom out but I can hit the sides.
17 0 Reply
'like a baby holding an apple!'
6 0 Reply
Grammaton Cleric
Like tossing a hot dog into a hallway
27 2 ReplyOsea_3 What is this even for?
16 0 Replykerplunk Washing dirty dog paws. Fill it with water, put the paw in, spin it. Actually works great.
40 0 Replyℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃 Looks comfy, why don't they make a wider version for human hands? Hand-brush to clean your people paws...
Yeah I'm totally not a furry...
17 3 ReplyHolyginz It's truly unfortunate my mind is so dirty cause these actually work amazingly. But everytime I see it my mind drops into the gutter lol
7 0 Reply
spacecowboy For cleaning dog’s feet when they come in the house.
8 0 ReplyOrteilGenou We have one. It works but it's a pain in the ass either way. I prefer a wet towel and a dry towel. This thing results in having to mop the floor, and you have to dry the paws anyway. Also I have older dogs and that makes it much harder to use. 2/5
7 0 Reply
WarmSoda When you're about to come on your dogs paw you put it in water and
7 1 Replyatx_aquarian
* record scratches, music stops *
16 0 Reply
naonintendois Cleaning dog paws. You fill it with water and move it up and down the paw. The little arms clean off the dirt.
6 0 Replys_s If seen 5 gallon bucket sized things like this. For defeathering chickens.
1 0 Reply
db2 Garg
11 1 ReplySGG 11 1 Replyrockmeat
remember to protect yourself and others!
use a condom
4 0 Reply
[squirts soap inside] WHEEE!!! The willy car wash is open!!!
3 0 ReplyDoucheBagMcSwag DontPutYourDickInThat
2 4 Reply