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  • Given that every accusation is an admission, this indicates he realizes how deep the shit he's in is. Good. Let him stew.

    • this indicates he realizes how deep the shit he’s in is

      If this motherfucker actually faces any real consequences, I swear I'll eat my fucking hat. They've done literally everything they can to slow walk his prosecution.

      They literally weren't going to prosecute him in the documents case until it became abundantly clear that he had no intention of ever giving the documents back. The normal route for this kind of thing is the politician says "Oops I'm sowwy" and nothing happens to them after they've given back documents in question.

      They literally only pursued him for this after they gave him months of chances to walk away without ever facing a courtroom. They gave him countless opportunities to return the documents and have the entire thing just hushed up and ignored.

      I have very little faith in what is left of our legal system being able to reign this motherfucker in.

      I'm shocked, this many years later, when regular citizens are murdered by cops for far less, that anyone could see it as any different. He's out here walking free and intimidating literally anyone and everyone involved in these cases. There are no real consequences for him, and I'm sick to death of all the excuses for why. It's the same kind of bullshit excuses they gave us when Mueller was investigating.

      The simple, obvious answer is: It's a big club, and we ain't in it.

      • What's you favorite hat flavor?...

        This guy seems to be so intent on sticking to his guns no matter what, that I wouldn't be surprised if he became the first one to actually get some consequences. It is a big club indeed, but rule one of the club is to keep the appearances; he's breaking that with pretty much every word he says.