Because it's nowhere near the same. Is it a bad release? Yes. Is it overwatch2 bad? No, not even close.
For the example: even tho it's true that CSGO used to be a paid game, it had been free for 5 years and before that it was 15$, not 40 or however much was ow.
Cs2 comes with a whole new engine which changes a bunch of things, unlike ow2 which is just an upgraded version of the same stuff; same errors, same stuff, basically.
OW2 also made everything in the game more expensive to buy.
For the example: even tho it’s true that CSGO used to be a paid game, it had been free for 5 years and before that it was 15$, not 40 or however much was ow.
I think you're missing the point. It doesn't matter what the price point was. People paid for these games. The game going "free" isn't a valid justification for being like "its okay this product you paid for is being taken from you."
Would you feel the same about any other product in your life? Why is it justified when that something you paid for being taken from you is "a game."
Cs2 comes with a whole new engine which changes a bunch of things
Yeah, a lot less content than CS:GO and no new content. Seems like they could have let it bake longer before release.
Uh is it? It literally has the 2nd highest concurrent players of any game on steam ever. it made what, 40mil in a few hours. Sure some old players are a little mad, but that is literally unavoidable, and I don't think they are dropping the game, just complaining.
By your own argument, CS2 is worse than Overwatch. CS2 removed over half of the maps, features, and the gameplay is way worse. Overwatch gameplay was pretty similar, although switching to 5v5 has its problems. It ran the same on the same hardware. The biggest change was the economy which doesn't affect gameplay. I feel like I completely lost access to CS, but I played OW2 for months until the gameplay problems with the meta became more apparent.
Funny I consider OW2 a better upgrade than CS2. But maybe because OW1 had a worse starting point. The game needed a total rebalancing and that was what OW2 was about. Yes it's not something they needed a "new" game for but it still made the game 10x more fun for me. CS2 doesn't seem like it's provided any rebalancing at all, feels basically just like a visual update (which OW2 also had). As a super casual player that only played a couple hundred hours years ago, I can't really tell the difference with the new engine (besides smoke mechanics) so the changes feel way less dramatic. But I'm definitely having fun revisiting CS. Also I can see why people would be more mad about OW2 monetization because CSGO has always farmed people for money whereas OW1 gave a ton of free skins. Now they kinda feel like they're at the same level 🫤
Sure, but a fragmented player base impacts Valve's bottom line more than anything else, so I don't understand why this is an argument.
Oh no! A few thousand players will stay on the old game while the new one will still absolutely dominate the charts because people like new and novel.
Genuinely, who would that deeply affect outside of Valve trying to make sure the player base is all on the current game to make the most money? Why are we defending business practices that are clearly aimed at making the most profit at the expense of customer service?
Weren't we all supposed to be Valve fans because we expect better of them?
It's a shame that Valve couldn't get Steam to issue them a new AppID, so they had to delete CSGO in order to put CS2 on the store. It was the only way.
The reason they did this is because they had a huge hassle getting everyone to move over back when they moved CS to the source engine. They didn't want that hassle again, so CS2 is even installed in the CS:GO folder. This is the first time they've ever pulled anything like this, but the reasoning is because they didn't want to create ANOTHER esport division, they just wanted CS2 to replace CS:GO for esports.
That was not the reason.
The reason are the skins. I only own a few skins (and old cases) and they a worth over 500 €. There are a lot of players with an inventory worth thousands.
So, what now, after you release a new iteration? Clone every player's Inventar? Forcefully transfer every Skin from CSGO to CS2? Or delete the old iteration. Valve did the last, same with Dota Reborn a few years ago.
We should condemn Valve for protecting their stupid gambling mechanism...
The reason they did this is because they had a huge hassle getting everyone to move over back when they moved CS to the source engine.
You missed a generation there. CS 1.6 -> CS:Source -> CS:GO.
This isn't in response to people not moving over to the Source engine, there wasn't much issue with that - although 1.6 still lingered on for a long time and people did complain, many people were excited by the Source engine and all the new physics it introduced, so people did buy Half Life 2 (with CS:S) even if they preferred to play CS 1.6. However with CS:GO it was different, there were no significant new features except the hat-ification and skins along the lines of Team Fortress 2, also CS:GO was just a standalone game rather than bundled. So many people did not move to CS:GO.
They did this with 1.6 and the source Mac update previously. They've just completely changed the game and the feature set before it's nothing new. This time they just change the name of the game with it, instead of claiming a balance patch.
but the reasoning is because they didn’t want to create ANOTHER esport division, they just wanted CS2 to replace CS:GO for esports.
So Valve is fully on the "fuck the consumers, our esports money is more important" bandwagon, huh? I paid for CS:GO years ago, and this feels like some kind of bait and switch.
Like, who does having CS:GO and CS2 around at the same time hurt except Valve? Literally nobody. Nobody is hurt by having both games available.
They could have killed the official servers and still made it that CS:GO had to use community servers. Like, how would have that split the community when official servers would no longer exist?
Every reason people come up with comes down to: Valve is more interested in profit than honoring the fact that the game was on sale for six fucking years and free to play for five. It was a sold product for longer than it was a free product, but I guess everyone who bought a copy for six years running can go fuck themselves, according to Valve.
This is a joke, and the "reason" Valve had for it is a shitty anti-consumer reason. There is literally not a single reason they did this that was to benefit the people playing the game. Everything was about money and their esports division.
If you're not upset about this, you're a corporate bootlicking fucking idiot.
If you bought CSGO, you automatically got access to prime mode when the game went free to play.
It's a separate matchmaking pool that puts you in servers filled with only other people who also bought the game, substantially reducing the likelihood of encountering cheaters and bots who just make endless free accounts.
This also carries over into CS2 as far as I'm aware.
they were never going to be able to release a totally new game without a lot of backlash from the addict skin trading communities. They wouldn't want to risk their free income from the whales by splitting the player base and eventually shunning the skin investors stuck on the old game.
To keep thousands of now irrelevant reviews, allow themselves to remonetize content and jumpstart a player base that now has no other choice but to switch.
CSGO is still in CS2's beta channel on Steam as csgo_demo_viewer or something like that, but obviously limited to community servers/offline play, no official dedicated servers.
May have something to do with keeping the appid the same. My guess is this was done because of how skins work on the backend. I don't know for sure though. They should have done more testing on Linux however. It will be interesting to see what they do going forward.
Why is everybody so upset at the CS2 update. It was my impression that besides a few new maps and menu updates that the primary change was the implementation of the source 2 engine. From what I've seen it doesn't appear to be that much different than the original CSGO I paid for back in the day. Or am I missing something?
It's just that it has less content than CSGO did in its late life. Some maps and game modes are missing, and some people with low-end computers are upset that they're getting poor frames.
I could manage 40-80 frames on CS:GO on my lil thinkpad. Trying CS2, I'm getting 10-30 frames. That'd be fine if it stayed closer to the top end of the spectrum, but it stutters so much that I can hardly play whatsoever. That combined with the millions of small changes they made that I have to get used to makes it a really unfun experience. Which is sad because CS:GO is one of my comfort games
Why do I feel like giving this a month will make all of this irrelevant?
but this is a crime against God, humanity, gaming and anime!!!!
I get it, your favorite game doesn't work because of a new release. It happens. Take a ticket and sit down for a while. Valve isn't omniscient about every Linux build in existence or possible glitch on the first week of release.
Hell, TF2 has been broken on arch for almost a month without bypassing a .dll file.
I remember when games launched and generally could be expected to run, because easy patching wasn't a thing yet. They had to make sure that the games worked.
I don't like that this has moved to "well, it's just the first day, week, month, give them time to fix the game." No! When the game releases and people pay money for it, it should work!
it wouldn’t be an issue if you could still play CSGO in the meantime. They removed a game that was working for some, and put in one that isn’t working in its place lol
The long awaited game Counter Strike 2 launched as an update to the old game Counter Strike: GO. Effectively deleting CS:GO from existence. Except that CS2 doesn't work on every computer CS:GO used to work on. Meaning (at least for now) lots of people have lost access to their favorite game.
I didn't realize that they replaced cs:go with cs2 until I was home and noticed an update to install cs2.... if it was an independent launch, that would not happen.
The only CS game I've played somewhat recently is cs:go, so I put two and two together (ha, pun), and groaned.
Few month ago in CSGO I played a casual game for flying scout. Went in, and I got instantly kicked by the 5 players of the team. Turn out I felt into a farming bot lobby and all 10 players where farming bots
I had an amazing time playing CS2 Saturday night. The only performance issues I had was in the Ancient map, when I'm near the water my fps tanks to 50fps from like 90 fps on high.
its fine for me so far, but sometimes i get those moments where it lags for like 20 seconds straight and then it stops. i still dont know why its happening.
It started with lagging. While loading the game. Classic lagging as in the dark filter fading out flimmering. Then CS2 kept rapidly switching between Fullscreen and Windowed, on sway. Then it randomly froze. My whole system. No luck with even switching to another TTY. So I force rebooted after 10 mins. Started into clearing orphaned inodes, then staying on that message. Force rebooted again. Still stuck at "Arch_Linux_boot: clean, x/x files, x/x blocks".
CS2 basically just broke my PC.
I will never touch it again. I predicted it was going to be trash, not gameplay wise but programmatically.
As I said, I predicted it was trash in regards to programming. I'm ok with a bit of lag, or maybe some visual glitches. But I was not prepared to Valve pushing out a such untested steaming pile of crap for Linux. The gameplay could be good, but it does not seem like it from many opinions I heard. But anyway, without CS:GO and none of the game modes I liked in CS:S, I thought there was nothing to lose by trying it (well I was wrong, it took me ~1 hour reinstalling all packages due to not syncing before force restarting, but even if I'd though about it, I couldn't have done anything about it).
But as I said, I didn't even get to see more than the settings menu, which I find unnecessarily over engineered too - who the fuck cares about new settings if they just want adjusting something -, as it just crashed after switching between the 'game' and Firefox three times. Just crashed my whole system, and idk how. But I know that such errors happen to me with some very badly written engines, over engineered and run through wine. Which means Valve apparently just abandoned the Idea of supporting Linux at least ok-ish completely and fucked that poor source engine hard. Even 4A games' selfmade 4A engine has native Linux support, with RT, DLSS, FSR, etc. and no bugs. Yet Valve can't advance their engine to support a fraction of those features without lowering the quality to the level of a trashy Windows only engine run through wine.
anybody that is in here complaining they can't play this game on Linux should seriously evaluate their life choices, instead of whining maybe you should just install Windows
I guess wanting to play a game that's replacing a game that runs well on Linux and is made by the company that has done the most to improve Linux gaming while using an OS that doesn't spy on you and treat you like a toddler is a poor life choice according to you?
Maybe some of us have things we care about more than just maximum game compatibility. The horror.