38 0 Replywtf
6 0 ReplyIt's been running since 1999
9 0 ReplyYou can do anything at zombo.com
3 0 Reply
Whaat?! 🤣🤣 So random!
3 0 Reply
Hacker News is great because there a lots of interesting discussions and articles especually on Ask HN. It feels like a high quality tech/programming subreddit but without the disadvantages of reddit. https://news.ycombinator.com/
16 0 ReplyI'm conflicted on if I want to upvote this because I like HN or downvote it because I don't want more people posting worse content there
The thing I love about HN is that it's perfectly acceptable to browse at work since I would classify it as "industry news"
9 1 Replyhttps://hn.algolia.com/ - HN search tool
https://hnrss.github.io/ - HN RSS feeds
https://hn.premii.com/ - HN mobile web app
3 2 Reply
Blogs. It's amazing how many gems and great content are buried in countless blogs, maintained or abandoned.
10 0 ReplyI used to be a mod on Nonsensopedia. https://nonsa.pl/wiki/Strona_głó It was a wikipedia-like thing, but with humorous stuff. I think it is abandonned now. There were a lot of garbage, but also some really well-written satires, that took a lot of writing skill of many authors to make. It is in polish, so most of you probabbly won't be able to read it. Reading it through a translator is not a good idea, because it contains A LOT of language humor and references to polish culture/memes/politics
There was also a similar project in english (Uncyclopedia), but Nonsensopedia was way better https://en.uncyclopedia.co/wiki/Main_Page
9 0 ReplyIt has always been about the personal, non-blog (or not-just-blog) websites.
well, that and horserentals.com
8 0 ReplyI'm not sure what I expected from horserentals.com....
5 0 ReplyI feel like this is a parody but having seen the early days of the world wide web I know I'm mistaken.
4 0 Reply
Usenet and IRC. Roam the realms of your ancestors.
8 0 ReplyThe SCP wiki is always a fun place to lose a couple of hours. Here’s how they describe themselves:
The SCP Wiki is a collaborative speculative fiction website about the SCP Foundation, a secretive organization that contains anomalous or supernatural items and entities away from the eyes of the public.
And here’s an example page about a moth with mind control powers
7 0 ReplyI've spent so much time reading and listening to SCPs. Love that shit
4 1 Reply
7 0 ReplyWow I forgot about that
1 0 Reply
TV Tropes
7 0 Replyhttps://search.marginalia.nu/explore/random is a good place to discover personal websites, or less popular sites in general
6 0 ReplyInteresting, thanks.
2 0 Reply
Neocities! It's a spiritual successor to Geocities from ye olde internet, and it rocks. Poke through the directory of sites, there's some wild stuff on there.
5 0 ReplyIt's a great place to go if you are learning web design and want to practice what you've learned without having to pay an arm and a leg for a site.
2 0 Reply
Gopherspace, Gemini, and the smallweb/smolweb in general.
5 0 ReplyYou got any good sites for those? Especially gemini?
1 0 Reply
I tried curating some on a sublemmy
if that doesn’t work it’s !coolwebsites@lemmy.ca C:
4 0 ReplyI tried curating some on a
sublemmycommunitySemantics, I know, but important to learn a new platform's terminology.
4 1 Reply
Neocities. Hobbiest forums but they're mostly moved to Facebook.
3 0 ReplyAn old favourite of mine http://muffinfilms.com/
3 0 ReplyI didn't know this was the same person who made the Making Fiends animations until I clicked on the giftshop link.
1 0 Reply
Fark.com is one of the oldest link agitator sites out there.
I found it during September 11th when all the other news sites went down due to traffic. It's still going just as strong, if not stronger, today.
It's for sure a lemmy alternative / supplement
3 0 Replyhttps://digg.com/ still fun. https://cat-gpt.com/chat - the BEST instance of GPT by far. https://driveandlisten.herokuapp.com/home https://window-swap.com/
2 0 ReplyToS;DR (Full name: Terms of Service; Didn't Read) actually makes terms of service agreements understandable.
1 0 ReplyReddit is pretty dope I heard
4 3 ReplyLaughing and tears
2 0 Reply
1 0 ReplyIf you ever played tibia: http://www.nightmareknights.com/
1 0 ReplyIan's shoelace site is the best resource for everything regarding shoe tying and lacing. If you need to tie your shoe better, this is the place.
1 0 Reply1 1 ReplyThis site lives in my psyche https://www.lingscars.com/ And I think https://www.windows93.net is pretty fun
0 0 ReplyOh, yes, totally forgot about windows93! 😃
2 0 Replylong live Ling
2 0 ReplyWhat the hell even is that. It's like what they thought the internet was going to be in the 90s.
1 0 Reply
1 1 Reply