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Sen. Dianne Feinstein, an 'icon for women in politics,' dies at 90, source confirms

Senator Dianne Feinstein's career was filled with firsts, including first woman mayor of San Francisco and one of two of the first women elected to the U.S. Senate from California.

  • Yeah that was like 30 years overdue. She's not an "icon for women in politics", she's an obstructionist sack of shit whose stubbornness left her own constituents with nothing to hope for other than her death.

    GTFO before you become useless.

    Good riddance.

    • Mitt Romney's politics suck, but he did the right thing by announcing his retirement.

      • And what a timeline we live in, when Mitt Romney gets commended for not being a total piece of shit.

  • I kind of wish it was at least normative to groom your successor and bow out if you're a ground-breaking leader as you advance in age

    I especially wish that was the sort of thing had been the case with (for example) RBG because let's face it, it really hurt us for her seat to go to ACB