Where the capitalist seeks to maximize the profits, this results in reductions of the pitiful compensation to the worker for their labour. We find our fellow countrymen reducing themselves to more intimate layers of exploitation of their bodies in the need for coin.
Victims of capitalistic system that was forced onto us by birth.
it seems the institutions that surround and raise us are not benign neutral entities, but rather install ideologies (/vocabulary) that the capitalist class deem to be palatable or meager enough to be given as a concession
Canadian/western media is willing to talk about literally anything and everything right now that isn’t the plain fact the record corporate profit taking and desperate maneuvers to put downward pressure on wages are destroying the purchasing power of even the labor aristocracy.
Just wait until the unabated plunder of foreign nations by Canada is finally put to a full halt. We will all really feel the squeeze when it comes time to talk about the lack of production in this country and how we will pay for our imports. This is just the start.
As an aside I know a few people who have been/are in similar situations to this person in this article and I hope they never get outed like this. Scary stuff.
Acquaintances in my circle had also resorted to escort work for the fulfilment of basic services after an abusive relationship, fortunately they currently live in subsidized housing, unfortunately the apartment complex is infested with pests.