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With basically almost every company collecting all our data at all times, who exactly are they selling it too? Wouldn't all these companies by this point have all yhe same information?

Granted, all my shit is blocked and what not, to the best I can do. It just doesn't make sense to me.

  • Consumer buying patterns and browsing behaviors are constantly changing in the aggregate. It's not about an individual, it's about "trends".

    And of course, a lot of it is also complete bullshit, as you suspected. People with MBAs in marketing are pretty good at justifying their parasitic existence to gullible executives.

    It's not that all of the data is useless. Every business needs some information to compete. But, these data miners have gone deep into the rabbit hole of "business intelligence" and are often hoarding information its own sake and to look good to the boss.

  • Advertising agencies mostly. Probably a few government offices, too. Google uses theirs in-house.

    all have the same information

    Thousands of "bits" of new info are being generated every second

  • It depends if you do new things tomorrow means new data to collect. This business is mainly a market forecast not only on your past details but especially on what you do today and you will do tomorrow. If tomorrow, for example, you arrange a wedding, by knowing I can arrange it to make my own profit for example by selling you white roses.