What's the "One Game" that you play at least once a year?
Do you have that "One Game" that you seems to come back to every year like a clockwork? Replaying it either just for the sake of it, nostalgia, or even finishing it again?
I got a few. Skyrim is one of them but it's most likely just to have fun with installing mods and then play it only for an hour xD
But I got one that I always replay and finish once a year, which is Mass Effect Trilogy, and recently the Remastered version of it.
Classic Doom/Doom 2, as there's an endless number of wads and mods for it, I would say I play it even more than just once a year, its probably more like a few times a month
Not every year, but I've played through Morrowind completely at least five times, And each time I'll spend a couple hundred hours easily in that world.
Any Fallout game but mostly New Vegas, I kind of gave up gaming when the 360 reached end of life then when the Switch released I had to have one. Zelda and the Witcher 3 and Skyrim were great on it but the lack of decent games left it languishing in a drawer.
I bought a Steam Deck last year and it completely blows the switch out of the water. I absolutely love it. I don't have the time to get set up in front of a TV and play a console but the deck is top class. Pick it up and put it down. Considering I mostly play 5 years or older RPGs it is the ultimate machine for me. I've even been playing EA golf games via emulation that run great. I even got Dopewars running on it.
But yeah New Vegas all the way, I'm currently playing Fallout 4 mind u.
Single-player, open-world post-apocalyptic zombie survival roguelike. Always has new stuff being added to it and has for years. Come back after being away for a bit, and there's a ton of new stuff.
For me it's gotta be a driving game of some sort. Whether American/Euro Truck Simulator, or one of the Forza Horizons, or Dirt Rally. Whenever I'm itching for some escapism I'll play those games while catching up on podcasts. No Man's Sky as well
Wazhack. Still haven't beaten it. It's a traditional roguelike (cf. nethack) presented in the unusual format of a 3D sidescroller. The dev is prolific about updating it year over year. Trust me on this one, game is a mix of hilarious and infuriating