Three people have been killed in separate incidents in Sweden as a feud between criminal gangs escalates, making September the deadliest month on record for gun violence in the country.
It is shocking to me how many explosions Sweden has. They had about 90 in 2022 and they were already at 109 before the end of August this year! Basically one gang or another is blowing something up every 2-3 days!
Hah thats nothing, Germany has had 414 detonations in 2020 only related to busting ATMs. [0]
Apparently we had 1645 cases of "Herbeiführen einer Sprengstoffexplosion" which is roughly translated as "causing a detonation of explosives". [1] Many of them were probably not that bad but bad enough that the police got involved. Thats 4.5 cases a day.
On the other hand, sweden is only about 1/8th of the population of germany so that levels these numbers a bit.
Many of them were probably not that bad but bad enough that the police got involved. Thats 4.5 cases a day.
There's absolutely a fuck-ton more than show up in the statistics. Pretty much each time you thought "why are people firing fireworks it's not new year" that's a potential case. Most cases never make it to the police and even then many are probably going to be filed away under "oh that mardy pensioner again, wake us when it's a regular occurrence and you can actually name suspects".
“Sweden has never before seen anything like this,”
Sweden has since sharply restricted migration levels, citing rising crime levels and other social problems.
I’m personally very pro immigration and think we need to get better at it as climate refugees become more common.
How did things get so bad in Sweden? Like, did they fail to facilitate integration or was there an abnormally high level of criminals among their immigrant population?
Failure to integrate is the right answer. At some point immigrant children ceased to have proper access to proper socio-economic status and a parallel society developed which, Scandinavians being Scandinavians, the majority ignored. It's been a difficult time for the prospects of youth in general but that hit the immigrant population way harder as they're not as embedded in the local social network, no "cousin of a parent owns a repair shop he'll give you a job and tide you over".
Active xenophobia isn't even needed, all that's need is a failure to see and care. It's also generally a urban problem, both because not enough care was taken to encourage immigrants to not be urbanites (a common bias with arrivals is that "city is where the jobs are, rural areas are shitholes" which isn't at all true for Europe in general), as well as urban society generally being ass at reaching out to people, smaller places are way more tight-knit.
Of course, with shit having hit the fan xenophobia then becomes an issue of its own reinforcing the very issues that caused everything, and down the shitchute we go.
Integration should be the responsibility of anyone who enters another country. I wouldn't go to Japan or Germany and expect them to slice off a chunk of their territory and call it America for me.
At some point immigrant children ceased to have proper access to proper socio-economic status and a parallel society developed which, Scandinavians being Scandinavians, the majority ignored
Where is your support for such a claim? All Swedish citizens, regardless of ethnicity or any other factor, have free access to and abundance of social support:
Free Healthcare
Free education, including university (you get paid to study)
Free work coaching and multitude of enrollment programs
Free financial support for unemployed
Favorable loans and cheap student housing
In Sweden, you do not get forced into the life of a criminal, it's a choice you make. But in order to integrate, you must be willing, and therein lies the root of the problem.
I think you're making a very good point with the big city/rural areas argument. I'm sure most people, that have lived abroad would agree that surrounding yourself with people from similar origin is so incredibly easy. And to avoid that in big cities, where such societies are already established, someone has to purposely work on it. And that in itself is much more difficult and much lonelier than the alternative. And if your motivation for moving is solely economical, why would you do that?
Missinformation is how you get a case like Sweden, for the most part. They elected a far right party into government, blaming everything on immigrants and surprise surprise, the far right government has no real solutions to real problems as things worsen further.
You can only be pro immigration between countries of the same cultural background. Immigration from the Arab world and other Muslim countries should be banned.
So your answer to systematic bigotry is institutional bigotry? Get the fuck out of here! No seriously, leave. Be ashamed of your hate and keep it to yourself if your unwilling to work towards being a decent human being.