Anyone else want to just want to abandon society and go live in a commune?
Anyone else want to just want to abandon society and go live in a commune?
A commune or a cult would be better than this circus lol
MrGG Already planning on it here in Canada once my friends and I have the money for what we want to do.
Farming (+greenhousing) and some cottage rentals on the side.
Peace out, modern society!
1 0 ReplyClarissaDarling It's a beautiful dream! Almost a decade ago my family and I left the city and bought land with some other folks. Now it's just us out here in the wilderness, others are welcome but most people can't leave the city.
1 0 Replydylanmorgan I’ve thought for a while that it would be cool to buy up a block in a suburb and do urban farming as a community.
1 0 Replyalong_the_road I just want more affordable housing
0 0 ReplyCaptKoala The fact the term "affordable housing" exists is the problem, all housing should be affordable, it's a necessity, not a damn profitmobile.
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