Teenage boys' suicide rates in the US have increased sharply in recent years, especially among boys of color. Firearm access plays a major role, as 90% of youth who die by suicide use guns. The article discusses how traditional masculine norms discourage help-seeking, while easy access to guns in homes increases the risk of suicide fourfold for young men.
One expert recommends educating parents on safe gun storage, like childproofing, noting that over 90% of suicide attempts with guns end in death, making restrictions on access especially important for preventing youth suicide.
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I'm all for gun control, but if suicide rates are up it's because of our society not because of the tool used to commit the act. Suicide rates are the highest they've ever been in modern history and everyone is largely silent about it. Maybe one day humans will realize that they create society and can change it if they choose
Kinda hard to convince people suicide is caused by owning a firearm and not, you know, the reasons they committed suicide. Once again pointing societal issues as simply “not enough restrictions”, assuming that’ll fix anything. Waste of time.
People always say it's about metal problems and not guns. And that might be true, but will you Americans ever try and fix that?
Maybe by reducing healthcare prices or something.
So far it seems like the answer is: No, we won't do anything about it.
At very least it makes sense to force parents to keep their guns locked away from their children and everyone else.
No-one under 18 should ever be allowed non supervised access to weapons and everyone over should have to take a mandatory safety and usage course and of course a comprehensive background check.
These are all things having little to do with suicide: Japan completely disarmed everyone outside of government in the 90's, and they have better access to healthcare than Americans, but suicide rates only grew. Attention needs to be on root causes, like the explosive rise in loneliness and identifying how to repair some of the social changes brought on by a complete paradigm shift to how humans share information and interact with one another.
It's not the root cause, but I'm sure having easy access to a gun seems a lot quicker and cleaner than, for example, hanging yourself. I know a lot of people who probably wouldn't be around right now if their folks kept guns in the house.
The path of least resistance from thought to action is very important. I wouldn’t actually know of an easy way if I wanted to kill myself right now. Having a gun in my drawer could easily make a bad day into a final day.