The election is more than a year away, the article was about YOUNG people, and Democrats have been massively overperforming in special elections, demonstrating that there's a polling issue right now.
I feel like I'm the only one here old enough to have actually voted for Kerry and Clinton. This is how those elections started as well...
Everyone discounted the polls because they were absurd. No way Bush wins, he's a...uh...special guy. 12 months later, Kerry concedes because he didn't want to do to America what Trump did.
You’re definitely not the only one. I remember both of Kerry and Clinton and was quite upset at the time about how blind the dems were to the obvious signs, but this is not enough to become alarmed. It is single poll conducted by phone making it incredibly skewed. And it’s a single poll.
That's a reasonable concern, but there are strong indicators that the electorate is very different now.
Again, Democrats have been massively overperforming. That means that in special elections since 2020 - and in the midterms in 2018 and 2022 - the polls underestimated Democratic support significantly. The same can't be said of the special elections preceding Kerry's loss. And it's important to take note of who is turning out in unexpected numbers: Young people, who are notoriously hard to poll due to the fact that they don't answer calls from unknown numbers.
Add to that the fact that Republicans have been killing themselves in record numbers by refusing to vaccinate during a global pandemic.
I'm by no means convinced Biden has a lock on the win. But especially more than a year away from the election, I'm not going to buy into the doom and gloom, either.
Polls have been off the past few elections. Polls said Romney, Clinton, and Trump would win the last three elections. Soooooo Ya let's not put too much weight in these.
Not saying don't be vigilant when it comes to voting but polling is still using 1940s rationalization when it comes to who they poll. Young people don't pick up calls, so they are vastly under counted here.
Gotta look at the methodology of the poll, usually at the bottom
For this poll,
This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone Sept. 15-20, 2023, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,006 adults. Partisan divisions are 25-25-42%, Democrats-Republicans-independents. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 percentage points, including the design effect. Sampling error is not the only source of differences in polls.
With an even split between of those polled D and R, Biden is still losing
I feel this needs to be said every time there's a national poll like this...
We don't have national elections. We have a bunch of state by state elections, and as Al Gore and Hilary Clinton proved, it doesn't matter how many people vote for you if you don't win the right states.
We won't really know the score until the Republican primaries and we can compare the votes in 2016 and 2020 vs. now.
I've got a chart ready to go, I just need numbers. 2016 Trump Primary vs. 2016 Trump General vs. 2020 General vs. 2024 Primary.
We like Biden almost exactly as much as we liked Hilary. Meaning, the vast majority of us don't because they are soulless life long party politicians.
At least Biden doesn't need to overcome the fact that he was a life long Republican until his wife became president, then he was suddenly a democrat with no noticeable policy changes.
The American people are done with Republicans and Democrats (IE: The Party), and Trump has carried over a ton of Republicans into his currently non-party camp.
I think Biden is going to go up against a new dumbass, and Trump might get through to end America.
Bernie should have never kissed the Democrat ring.