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Unlimited Kagi searches for $10 per month | Kagi Blog

Kagi is a paid alternative to ad-supported search engines like Google and DuckDuckGo. It has recently revised its pricing model, reducing the cost for a plan with unmetered searches from $25 per month to $10.

Kagi boasts the following (and more) features:

  • Blocking or boosting specific domains in your search results
  • "Lenses", which are individual setting profiles (e.g. region locks, domain whitelists) that can be applied to search queries
  • All of the Bangs that DuckDuckGo has (e.g. type "!yt" in front of your query to immediately search on
  • Universal Summarizer, which works with any website, PDF document, YouTube video and more

This blog post goes into full details about Kagi's capabilities.

  • Why on earth would I pay $10 a month for search when I can get everything I need using SearXNG? For Free.

    It costs me exactly $0.00 to run SearXNG locally using Podman and WSL to host the docker image. It Just Works; and I don't have to worry about paying money every month to anyone; nor do I ever have to count my search queries as precious.

    Unfortunately this "$10/month = Unlimited" is also likely to be available only for a limited time; and once Kagi feels it has enough users; then you'll be stuck back on some arbitrary number of searches each month.

    Worse is logging in. To search. Yuck.

    There are so many "Public" SearXNG instances as well for the less-than-technical;

    All of them provide the option(s) to use whatever engines you'd like.

    • Kagi has better search results than any other engine I've used. That is why people pay for it.

  • This is fantastic. I've been a $5 Kagi user for a few months and have been really enjoying it. The only issue has been that sometimes when I'm working on a project I need to blow through a ton of similar queries to find what I'm looking for; I've been forced to switch back to google for those. Now I've upgraded and am going full Kagi.

  • Just heard of this service but I am signing up first thing tomorrow.

  • Awesome! The AI summarizer is very useful, and it gives quality search results from my experience with the free trial. $10 a month still seems a little high for a search engine, though I'm definitely eyeing it more now...

    Hopefully we see more competition in the future with paid search engines, this seems to be new territory where everyone is still pretty unsure of the right pricing. I think $5 a month is going to be the sweet spot for me.

    • Same here. I did the trial 300 search thing and was very happy with that. Settling on the fiver a month plan as I can't justify a tenner. Plus I realised that I don't do much more than about 300 searches.

      It's so refreshing to not have 'sponsored' posts or adverts in front of your results.

  • Ah this is fantastic! I've only been using Kagi for a few months, and have been concerned about running into the search limit, but this means I can go and set it as the default everywhere now.

  • Does anyone have experience with non-english searches? Are the results of similar quality?

  • Oh sick!! I was already on the $10/month plan. This is great news!!!

    • Same. Looks like you and I both will be getting unlimited searches now. :D

      • Samesies :P This is awesome. Love being a user and not the product. EDIT:

        With the redirector extension you can import the following to help with muscle memory.

            "createdBy": "Redirector v3.5.3",
            "createdAt": "2023-09-22T00:00:00.631Z",
            "redirects": [
                    "description": "Google->Kagi",
                    "exampleUrl": "",
                    "exampleResult": "",
                    "error": null,
                    "includePattern": ""^(?:https?):\\/\\/(?:www\\.)?google\\.com(\\/?$|(\\/search\\?q=.*?(?=[&])))"",
                    "excludePattern": "",
                    "patternDesc": "Redirect Kagi",
                    "redirectUrl": "$1",
                    "patternType": "R",
                    "processMatches": "noProcessing",
                    "disabled": false,
                    "grouped": false,
                    "appliesTo": [