In this climate I don't see how Biden could pack the court. It would never clear the senate. Even though on paper Democrats are in control it is only on paper and not real life.
The rulings the court makes should be based on law not opinion, even if it is popular opinion. That being said accepting bribes from people that you are ruling on their cases and making rulings on made up stuff doesn't really smell lawful. Those bribes would get anyone fired in corporate America but seems AOK for this banana court.
This court will go down in the history books (in some states, I'm sure FL won't allow it) as the worst court session yet. Roberts will be known for a enabler of the illegitimacy of this court. Roberts response instead of leading is don't say bad things about us you might hurt our feelings. He seems concerned about the image but isn't doing a thing about it.
The best thing I can think of is vote out the party of hate, greed and power and see what we can do after the elections.