Widespread reports are circulating about the iPhone 15 overheating, seemingly across all models. Measurements taken with an infrared camera show...
iPhone 15 overheating reports, with temperatures as high as 116F::Widespread reports are circulating about the iPhone 15 overheating, seemingly across all models. Measurements taken with an infrared camera show...
No need to downvote, I can handle someone having a different opinion.
Fahrenheit doesn't give a shit about human temperature, he based it on some obscure things (which I can't remember right now). It doesn't even fit with human temperature, I think human temperature is like 97 or 98 °F or something like that. The argument was made only to have some argument, it's not a property of Fahrenheit.
It does make exactly as much sense as Celsius with one important distinction - Celsius plays nicely with other SI units.
Seriously, the only correct answer to how many foot-pounds does it take to heat 1 fl oz of water by 1° F is fuck you.
Lemmy can be pretty hostile to non-European standards. It's weird... I wonder if Europeans are just using more accounts than Americans, and stacking votes.
If not... Then yikes, if Lemmy is losing the American audience, that's bad news, friends.
That is absolutely NOT “hot”or “overheating” for a piece of tech under stress.
The phone housing is the heat sync, and the phone is more powerful than many people’s few year old laptops.
Not to defend apple but this is just trying to sensationalise and farm clicks, my pixel 7 used to get way hotter doing just normal tasks to the point I was getting overheat warnings and the screen would shut off.
Now if it was more like 55c I could see that being an issue at least from a comfort standpoint.
On top of this, pointing a thermal camera as an emissive surface like glass… not the most accurate way to actually get a temperature reading, they should have used a thermal couple… but I’m guessing that would have showed an even less exciting click bait number.
It depends on how you're holding it and how spread that heat is. 46° isn't something great to be grasping for extended periods of time, but if you're physically touching 30°C parts of the phone and a part with no physical contact with your skin is 46°C, it's probably not that bad.
My s7 edge used to hit these temps. The annoying part was the throttling and shutdowns. I never really felt like I was burning my hands using the thing.
46c is not that hot at all, that’s like half as hot as a cup of coffee.
It’s probably not ideal.. but also not at all new and about the same as my S22 ultra hits under load or when charging which runs far cooler than my previous pixel 7 which would actively overheat if you tried to run maps while charging it on a warm day, to the point it would force the screen to min brightness after about 30min.
I get where you’re coming from, but just because it isn’t hot when compared to a full throttle desktop CPU doesn’t mean it’s good for a device you hold with your bare hands.
Can you name one other thing in everyday life that you hold for hours on end, that gets 45+°C?
Actually it can pose quite a big problem. There's no ventilation on phone anywhere and lithium batteries really don't like heat, at all. In fact that's just at the top maximum battery can take, so there's a big chance of thermal runaway at which point whole thing might combust.
Please take that common sense elsewhere. Here we don’t defend Apple since this is a general technology community. You are supposed to hate them no matter what. Only if this happens to an Android device, we try our best to understand.
Look here, apple fan boy. You can try to piss and moan whatever way you want, but if you read the article you'd see this was happening while charging or just watching videos and doing "light duty use". A 116f case is absolutely not normal for that. My three+ year old phone doesn't even get a bit warm doing any of that. If my phone went over 90f from watching videos I'd be pissed. Apple likely screwed something up on their software side and the processor is spinning its gears hard for little to no reason.
At 116F you would require firm, continuous contact for more than 20 minutes to produce a 2nd degree burn, and over 45 minutes to produce a 3rd degree burn.
So one semi long YouTube video is all it would take to get a burn? And you’d not even need a full length movie to need a trip to the hospital?
I get that these aren’t “instant” burns, but this is still a device people regularly hold for hours a day. And if you don’t realize it’s heating up, you’re likely to notice only when you’re in pain.
Yea I think that when something is hot enough to cause burns, even when it takes minutes, I think it's uncomfortable enough for people to let go way WAY before anything bad happens. If you don't then you probably need medication for whatever condition ails you
Realistically speaking, since this is in fast charging only, and most people don't let their phone battery drain to 0, I think it's unlikely that 3rd degree burns will be an issue within reason. The iPhone 15's reported to take about 30 minutes to charge from 0 to 50%, so if I assume the other 50% also takes 30 minutes, then really, someone won't be hitting 45 minutes unless they're charging from below 25% to full.^[I know charging isn't actually linear progression, but I don't really wanna do the math.]
That said, 3rd degree burns may be an issue once you slip a case on it that insulates the phone, making it yet hotter, and 2nd degree burns will be more of an issue too. I'd be interested in seeing what the peak temp is during fast charging with a case on, especially one of the thicker cases. If it internally gets to more than 140 degrees Fahrenheit, there's absolutely risk that it could explode, and even if it's not doing it externally, internally it may be nearing those temps.
This is a massive problem. It's not ok for a device which millions of people use to get so hot. This could cause a fire given the right conditions.
I hope this gets reported on the mainstream news so people realise Apple isn't so great after all.
This is by far not the first time they've had hardware issues with their products. I think hardware is their Achilles heel.
Not that I feel sorry for them considering how much they fleece customers on the prices for the devices, repairs, accessories, the amount of times they tell you to get a whole new Mac when all it needs is 1 part etc.
As someone in product development, I can attest to some stuff just not showing up until you throw millions of end users at something. You can try your damnedest to simulate real world usage and have all sorts of automated test, but the real world and real users alway find something. You just hope the something is small and patchable.
Have they fixed their update policy at long last? Back when I had an X Style it took literally over a year to get the newest version of their nearly stock skin of Android.
That's the treshold for you to get a 1st degree burn. No, it's not instantaneous at that temperature, but it certainly denotes that it shouldn't get there at all.