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Sunken boat killing hundreds overshadowed by Titan submersible coverage

  • Capitalism is for the rich

    • My coworkers are talking about the submersible and not about the boat.


      They are talking about the submersible in a fun way, they are laughing at a bunch of people dying because they are rich. All of them know that the Mediterranean Sea is full of corpses, one more boat or not.

      Capitalism want to sell news for clicks, and african people dying in the sea isn't something new sadly.

  • Surprise! Awful shit happens every day and you don't hear about even 2% of it.

    • Lately it seems like we're only hearing about the 1%

    • From where I'm sitting, it looks like these mass drownings are to the EU what mass shootings are here in the US: an issue that the people and politicians pretend to give a crap about, and then do absolutely nothing about, so it keeps happening over and over again.

      • It's not like they want the refugees to actually make it into Europe lol. And believe me most people living in countries that get most of the immigrants and refugees don't give a shit about what happens to then either.

  • They're a parasite on society. I don't know why people care so much. In contrast, it's really tragic in every way that the migrant ship had to even exist.

    • While I generally agree, I think people are getting too hung up on the fact that the missing crew are all wealthy - that's not really the point.

      It's a fascinating story because we are dealing with a potential (albeit at this stage incredibly unlikely) deep-sea rescue of the sort that has never been attempted before, at depths that only a handful of craft are capable of even reaching, and we know that time is quickly running out.

      Then you have the angle that the company that runs the expeditions is alleged to have ignored early safety warnings about the vessel's ability to reach the extreme depths as advertized, combined with the CEO's application of the "move fast and break things" technocratic mentality to deep sea exploration.

      Even if the occupants of the submersible were regular joes, or even (at the risk of sounding crass) refugees, it would still be a attention-grabbing news item.

      • There is some sense of, I feel like justice isn’t the right word, irony? that the pilot is the founder and CEO. Since his mentality may be the reason for his demise.

        Sucks that 4 others are likely to lose their lives too, but they ultimately signed the waiver and assumed the risk. Just a crazy and tragic situation.

  • There was a show years ago called "Not The Nine O'Clock News" that was broadcast on the BBC. It was a comedy show that was REALLY heavy on satire, both about the government of the day, and British society in general.

    One of the sketches was a news report about a disaster (I think it was a plane crash?) and it started "A plane has crashed in the Mediterranean Ocean, and here is a list of the casualties in order of important -- three Britons, two Americans, three French, seven Spanish, four Australians......" and well you get the idea.

    Does it really surprise you that forty years later not much has changed?

  • Imagine how many yachts those billionaires on the Titan own. Imagine how many people you could save from capsizing and drowning with those.

  • it may be that certain news corporation executives are pushing one story over another because they identify with one tragedy, where as another tragedy is meaningless.