I recently gotten back into reading comics and mostly I am reading series that have ended. I am wondering what I can subscribe to, while supporting my local shop, that is currently running and you think will be great when looked back on.
Immortal Thor just launched last month, and given Al Ewing's track record, it promises to go down as a legendary run. His Immortal Hulk most definitely was.
John Michael Straczynski just started a run on Captain America and I have high hopes for that as well.
Other than that, it's not a recent launch and it's on hiatus right now, but The Department of Truth is already legendary and has been optioned for TV.
Immortal Thor and the new Cap run are solid options for series that just started. Predator/Wolverine just started as well and may interest you. Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham just started and should be four issues. Transformers from Skybound, Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong, and Giant Robot Hellboy also come out next month.
If you like specific IP (eg Star Trek, Witcher, whatever), publishers like IDW, Dark Horse, and Dynamite always have good stuff. Image probably has a few good things; I’ve heard nice stuff about W0rldtr33 as well as Department of Truth and Killadelphia (which were both up for Eisners). You can look at recent industry awards like the Eisners to get a sense for books the industry thinks are worth purchasing.