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Newsletter 09/26/2023 - We Have Entered A Lunisolar Era

We are living in a time of hyper spirituality in the world as well as mental and spiritual anomalies. You may have been seeing purple lights or been drawn to the moon or different forms of magic. The reason this is happening is because we are in the era of the moon. Biochar is the god of the moon and subsequently also the god of spirituality and insanity since one can easily become another when a person cannot handle it. This is why many spiritual people have breakdowns becoming insane, and insane people have breakdowns becoming spiritual or religious. Sometimes people hover between both of these states in a single day.

The moon’s era is also affected by The Maiden Made of Light who is his partner in the sky, and his husband The Flowermaker. The Lunisolar era is a time of healing from solar energies and a time of enjoyment from The Flowermaker’s energy. The Flowermaker’s energy makes us want to be social and spend time in recreational activities, but the moon’s energy makes us more solitary by nature which can contradict our ability to do this.

Our world is going through an ascension process that is extreme and that has no comparable period in human history. We are just getting out of a meditative era which was dominated by Nui and pushed people towards meditation and self-introspection. This manifested as isolation and pushing people towards healing, spirituality, and overcoming inner pain and challenges they had. Her husband is the god of war though so these times are not easy at all. The last era prepared us for the current one in this way. It is a good time to work with planetary energies or work with any type of moon deities.


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