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  • I'm sad Silo has ended but every episode was excellent. I didn't realise it was based on a book series so will probably read those while I wait for season 2.

    Futurama is coming in a few weeks so I've been watching from the beginning. It's been a long while but so far so good.

  • Bit of a TV lull, I guess there's usually a dip in TV over the summer.

    We've started watching Annika on iPlayer and it's ok. A bit more tongue in cheek than other police procedurals, which is nice. Not sure that I like the "talking to the camera" parts.

    Still working though Agents of Shield too. About a third of the way through series 4, I'm quite enjoying the ::: spoiler spoiler Ghost Rider storyline :::

    • I felt the same at first but I think it works because Nicola Walker is brilliant, and it got to the point where those parts were some of my favourite parts of the show.

  • If you don't mind a yank popping their nose in, I wanna recommend hit monkey.

    Watched it on a lark, expecting it to be just silly and over the top. Which it was! But it wasn't only silly. There's some cool storytelling, and art to it as well. It stands out as one of the rare successes from marvel animation.