Need help with primary account - disable MFA
Need help with primary account - disable MFA
I couldn't find a way to contact the mods on here without having an account, so this is a second account I created just in hopes to get my primary account fixed. I've tried messaging TheDude from my Mastodon account, but never got a response, so trying this route.
I tried to enable MFA on my other account at one point, to make it more secure, but it never confirmed that I had it configured properly, which apparently it didn't. Because of that, I can't get logged back in as the MFA configuration I have saved is apparently not what the site is expecting. Would it be possible to get MFA disabled on my other account so I can start using it again?
As is, it's very easy to lock yourself out as it's enabled in a single step without checking that it works before saving.
The good news is it's being worked on:, eventually, your situation will be much less likely to happen.
For now though, I think your only hope is to reach (insert R2D2 holo of princess Leia pleading to Kenobi)DMs on Lemmy being insecure, you're probably better off dealing with this through Matrix. don't trust a link from a random stranger (me), you can find the link to his Matrix account by clicking on "Send Secure Message" on his lemmy profile.
Good luck
Hi there
Sent you a message on the matrix chat. This should now be fixed.
Thank you