What are your favorite board games? Me and my friends love playing board games, but I get the feeling their tired of playing the same things. What do you guys usually play?
My favorite board game of all time is HeroQuest. I never get tired of playing it. Also love Catan, Arkham Horror, Betrayal House on the Hill, Spyfall (great at parties)
We've been playing Camel Up a lot. It's nice because there is some skill and a good amount of luck involved, so no matter your board game experience, you have a shot at winning.
Agricola is my favorite but it is pretty complex so we don't play much.
Dune (either the original AH edition or the 2019 GF9 edition)
Descent (first edition)
Mage Wars Arena
Battlestar Galactica
Food Chain Magnate
Blood Bowl
Twilight Imperium (fourth edition)
War of the Ring (second edition)
Millenium Blades
Cosmic Encounter
Sidereal Confluence
Triumph & Tragedy
Iron Ships & Wooden Men
Forbidden Stars
Twilight Imperium, really? I only played it once and it was the longest, most boring experience. Each turn just takes an enormous time, almost as long as a Warhammer 40k turn and I played with 5 other players. When you were done with your turn you could go for a really long walk and when you came back you wondered how the hell they just finished 2 turns...
I really really enjoy boardgames, but not ones that take a weekend to play...
(this isn't meant to insult you, I am just seriously wondering if my experience with it is a lot different than yours or if you like boardgames that you play an entire weekend)
We play all the dune games at work. The new remake of 1978, done betrayal and dune imperium. And sometimes twilight imperium.
With friends we have bought spirit island, which is fun but really difficult. We also play dead of winter and some DND spinniof games. My mate works at a Games Store so he has lots of games i haven't played yet. Oh and I've joined a poker home game.
My favourite is twilight imperium if we can ever find enough people who can spend their whole day playing a game.
You have (in my opinion) a great taste in games.
There's nothing quite like a session of TI. It doesn't get on the table a lot but the few times it does it's amazing every time.
Unfortunately I personally get to play big games all to seldom as I mostly play with my SO and she prefers them a bit lighter and with a bit less conflict. Some of the games we've enjoyed and played recently 2 player..
Viticulture is the one we fall back on alot of the time. It really is a great worker placement.
Castles of Burgundy is a new one in our collection but probably not new to a lot of people in the hobby. Really don't know why I've not picked this up earlier because it is a really good game.
If we want to go for something fast we usually bring out Azul. No setup time and no teardown is a trait I value more now than I have in the past. Sure Gloomhaven is fun but the setup alone makes me want to cry.
If you haven't tried it, I'd recommend Cascadia for a couples game. Also, Tuscany adds some pleasant complexity to Viticulture .. Not that you were asking for recommends, I just couldn't resist..
I’ve been getting into Go/Baduk lately, it’s a shame how few people there are playing it in the US! Would love to play in-person instead of always online
Go is the most amazing game I know. I often regret not sticking with it as a kid.
And IRL games are wonderful. The feeling of the stones on fingertips, the rattle of prisoners, the clicks and clacks when placing stones on the goban...