Are we going to actually allow this type of "debate" stuff to stay up?
Wasn't it established this type of behavior isn't acceptable towards lgbt people? Dismissing their hurt caused by others and clearly gas lighting them?
We don't always remove content. Sometimes we merely step in and ask people to calm down. Some stuff we leave up because the community pushes back strongly to the message and it's useful for others to see it. We're not trying to sanitize conversations, but provide some guiding principles and spirit and let the community self regulate.
It only really encourages it to show no punishment for clearly abusive actions though. It says in the rules of the community that stuff like that is clearly not tolerated
There's a difference between not tolerating behavior and from sweeping behavior under the rug. A public show of pushing back is useful to demonstrate what we stand for.
It's also just exhausting to see this stuff over and over and over, when you're the target. Leaving it up when it's so clearly just bigotry with some icing on top just lets it keep hurting people and changes the culture to one that tolerates that hatred if it's said ""politely"". It lets the bigots feel like they can hide under the " be nice" rule even though tolerance for intolerance isn't supposed to be what that means.
It also means that if I hope something blatantly bigoted is deleted, I'm now incentivized to not reply to it at all, just leaving it to stand without objection and with however many upvotes it gets, since apparently my replying is being treated as a reason to keep the bigotry up. That just feels gross.
I will absolutely leave here if this kind of thing keeps being tolerated. I want a place I can exist without having bigotry thrown in my face, not somewhere that I'm expected to put up with bigots in order to maybe, possibly, somehow educate them. That is not my job; I just want to exist without having to be constantly on-guard.