India has officially labeled Canada an international terrorist sanctuary — “a safe haven for terrorists, for extremists, and for organized crime,” in the words of the Ministry of External Affairs spok
Theyll also play the victim cards of "The West hates Modi" and "Hindu/ Hinduism is in danger". Please vote for Modi in 2024, so we can commit more atrocities on Indias Muslims and Christians and Sikhs.
Talk about escalation, yeah? this is what happens when a desperate dictator tres to impress his domestic audience. reminds me of Erdogan's last election and the manufactured coup that he used to imprison his opposition. That too might happen in India.
The chances are good that a topless Indian lesbian (with a Pride colours patch) could walk 20 km of Yonge Street, from Front to past Steeles (including Willowdale), and not get gang raped.