Unpopular opinion : Bing is a better search engine than Google when it comes to piracy
Google is way to compliant to DMCA request resulting in bad result.
Bing doesnt seems to care and will happily link to live and replay of sport event (the main reason I use it personnaly) even as a first result.
PS : If you're french dont forget to change your DNS or any quality site will not load
After seeing this comic for the first time years ago I always try to keep it in mind when someone tells me they are just learning about something. We all learn similar things for the first time only at different parts of our lives and being able to be a part of helping someone learn something new is a great feeling.
I got to show my niece and nephew the diet coke and mentos thing. It has become a core memory for the 3 of us and was one of my top 10 funnest days of my life. Sharing knowledge is fun.
because they are focused on themselves. They don't want to see on a public forum an information they already know, not thinking that this information may be useful to others. It's the Me Me Me attitude.
I've been using DDG exclusively for years now and every now and then I feel it doesn't give me what I seek and I try Google and it doesn't find shit either.
People always say that Google results are still superior but I believe that's only the case as long as you're in the bubble they create based on your profile and you're looking for your interests and like-minded opinions.
I found that Google is head and shoulders above DDG when it comes for my work searches. Technical stuff - like code errors, Oracle syntax, technical references, etc. I used DDG for a couple of months and had to switch back to Google because I literally wasn't finding the results that I knew existed.
And it’s far less cluttered. I use it because it gives me the same or better results than Google and it’s UI is waaay cleaner and reflects my dark style preference without having to reload it even once.
DuckDuckGo has been harming people's privacy for years now. Ironically in part because it allows Microsoft's ad network through due to their partnership. Luckily there are many other alternatives out there.
Pro tip: if you do insist on using Google scroll to the bottom until you see a notice like the one below.
You can then click on the complaint to see the URLs that were removed.
They’ve wisened up a bit and now require a (throwaway) email to access the links, but chances are that if you’re looking for something more obscure, the link you seek is still there.
Clearly, I shouln't have posted this as an "Unpopular opinion" but rather as a PSA or general advice, my bad. Just something i thought as something people should know. Also I'm sure there is better search engine out there so please share away !
Google nowadays works if you wanna search something from the Wikipedia or like the same 20 websites. For anything else, good luck going through all the SEO autogenerated garbage.
I can highly recommend Brave search, they have their own index and don't "comply" with the DMCA because it's not actually required for a search engine but sadly also not forbidden. I love it every time piratebay.org shows up when it obviously should and not some scummy fake sites!
I second the recommendation. I know a lot of people don't like the browser (although I find that a lot of that dislike comes somewhat misleading rumors or stories) but the search engine really doesn't have anything to do with the browser except that it's by the same company. I often switch between it and Duck Duck Go, and I don't use Brave browser.
Just my 2c on the browser, I tend to prefer setups that I do or make as part of a guide so that I feel more in control and more aware of what's running on my PC, so I much prefer taking the time to install LibreWolf and then add a dozen extensions to it.
However, Brave is still a browser I recommend to the casual who wants more privacy for how convenient it is. And I do daily drive it on iOS too for the built in adblocking, which (to my knowledge) can't be done on the iOS build of Firefox.
Same, I am a life long Firefox user and switch between the two, in most cases the results can keep up with DDG or beat it but sometimes (especially for regional stuff) it dose struggle and DDG dose a better job, that's usually not piracy related tho.
Same, I am a life long Firefox user and switch between the two, in most cases the results can keep up with DDG or beat it but sometimes (especially for regional stuff) it dose struggle and DDG dose a better job, that's usually not piracy related tho.
DDG also partly buys results from Bing, so more good results with none privacy abuse. I only switch back to google when searching for images, DDG sucks at finding images.
I've been using Bing chat allot. I got the extension that lets me use it on Firefox. It's insanely useful, and I feel like it's getting better with time as it learns. I still use DuckDuckGo for search though, although I've been using search less and less as Bing chat gets better.
Yup, honestly haven't seen much difference at all when I switched a few years ago. But thanks to this post I learned about SearX. Gonna give that try now. Curious though if using a browser like Chrome for example, would make it a pointless? That's what drew me to duck since they have their own app.
Don't they still provide that link at the bottom of the first page with a list of all the DMCA'd content in one convenient link (so you can be sure to avoid it)?
I agree that google is the best search engine for most things, I use it a lot, but for speficic thing like piracy (and porn) I found Bing to be superior and wanted to share this. Afterall IMO one of the principle of piracy is to avoid relying on a single service, and find the best suited thing for your needs.
bing is great with results if you know the right keywords to use!
I use duckduckgo atm which I think gets some of its results from bing. I only ever go to Google to see the quick summaries without clicking to any page when you type "what's the weather" or "10 GBP to USD" and stuff like that
Nice to see someone talking about this. I actually have been using bing for the last year because of this exact reason.
Also when using a VPN, bing never gives me a captcha.
It is vastly superior for porn and the "+" for "must include" and "-" for "must not include" work far more often than Google's modifiers. Not 100% but close enough.
It's a great search engine for most things not work safe, Google will always be there for my technical questions but Bing is the GOAT for the devil on my shoulder.
I think they care about DMCAs, for example my Lemmy instance for some reason is completely blocked on bing on behalf of some unspecified copyright troll
It's just most copyright trolls only care about Google and won't even bother sending the DMCA to bing
Alternatives to Google, to YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Messenger, alternatives to Chromium/Chrome browsers - these are important things to be aware of.
SearXNG has search handled for me - scraping Bing and Google amongst others (and often I see Google results are low down on my list).
I pretty much exclusively use Google to search for reddit posts on niche stuff. I stick with google because DDG or any alternatives I tried don't have the Date of the searched reddit posts on the results.
I'd use Bing but all the links are purple and I can't fix it after googling fixes x.x
Ah yes, Lemmy mirrors Reddit well. It even replicates those times when it looks like your comment didn't go through so you hit submit a couple more times and your comment comes through 3 times.
Think bing would be a good place to find a rip of Kevin Smith's movie "Red State"? I can't seem to find it anywhere with Google searches or with the pirate bay.