Guinea pigs were bred as livestock by the Inca in South America. They used to be a dish reserved for nobility but now us plebs have access to Cuy in the supermarket. 😃
When you've got not fridge and the environment isn't always condusive to curing and preserving meat, it's very handy to raise an animal that's a smaller amount of meat (say one meal) than something like a goat, pig, chicken or cow.
They breed easily and rapidly, eat scraps and vegetation that humans normally don't. So folks keep a herd of Guinea pigs and just slaughter whatever they need for a meal.
It's very clever and much more environmentally friendly than clearing forest for larger animals.
That they would be reserved for nobility seems like it must be wrong. These are tiny animals that wouldn't take much effort to raise. A small family could easily eat one. Just grab a pair and start raising them.
It's not like a cow where you need large amounts of grazing land and then when you kill it, you have huge amounts of meat to deal with.
This is why animals in English have three names. One for the animal, raised by the commoners with Germanic origin (cow). One for the meat, eaten by the wealthy with French origin due to the Norman conquest (beef). And one used in scientific contexts coming from Greek or Latin (bovine)
My guess would be the meat to prep work ratio. Smaller game seems like it would be more effort to skin and clean vs. larger ones like turkeys and deer. Just a guess however, anyone know for sure?
Maybe not "reserved" but eaten less frequent? Let's say a poor peasant during that time owned 10 guinea pigs and had the choice to either slaughter one of the little guys for one single meal, or sell some to the higher-ups and buy less expensive food that will last for a week or two, then it would make sense if the peasants ate less of them than nobility even if it wasn't explicitly forbidden.
Fun Fact; they're called "Meerschweinchen" ("little pigs of the sea") in German as they were imported by Spanish sailors (as food, not as pets). I know they have been used as lifestock in South America way before that, but the sailors were basically the first ever time Germans heard about those animals.
The only thing I find a little weird about this picture is that it isn't skinned. You can buy frozen whole rabbits in Germany, but they're always skinned. Is this a hairless breed or did they somehow remove the fur?
From a food travel show some time back, it seems that a lot of places cook them with the hair on. Not all from what I saw, but not unheard of so maybe it's a "don't remove the fish head/eyes, some people like it" kind or thing.
There are hairless (mostly) guinea pigs, also known as house hippos. Not sure if that's what they used here though. I don't feel like I've ever seen an all pink one, they usually have some brown or black but 🤷♂️
This absolutely crossed my mind earlier today when I ate rice and shrimp that I had to peel for myself. Their long antennae things and little legs made me think of the time I heard someone say that they're the cockroach of the sea. They may be, but I still ate the shit out of them and they were absolutely delicious.
Lobsters are the cockroaches. Shrimp are more like, crickets maybe in the pecking order of the food chain and shell density. But basically all the shellfish with exoskeletons are super similar to bugs. Crabs are clearly basically spiders.
You know that meme where it's got all these animals lined up left to right and the message is "where do you draw the line"? I'd think probably just before this animal is a good starting place
I kind of agree... I've been around these things, and they are incredibly stupid.
I guess I'd draw the line around them purely because in western culture these are pets... But I think practically speaking these are a lot better than actual pigs, which are very intelligent.
We have very strange eating habits when you really think about it.
Some places have their own "weird" delicacy that throws people off. Dogs in Yuan, maggot cheese in Sardinia, undeveloped ducks or stewed frogs in the Philippines, and so on. So, I'm not going to knock this at all.
Tbf, I've read about this as a teen a long time ago (GQ) and was fascinated by the irony of having the guinea pig in a cartoony sketch on the wrapper while seeing their corpse through the plastic.