My OnePlus 8 pro finally crapped out, need new phone suggestions
Hey y'all, my OnePlus 8 pro is donezo, ling story short it got major damage that I just didn't even see happen but it was on its way out regardless. Now the reason I got a OnePlus is because when I first got them, they were the pinnacle of "moddable phones" any root or rom you could think of it was basically built to be rooted. Now though from what I hear the company has decided to go in a different direction, real shame. So now that I'm back in the market for a new phone ow as wondering if y'all had any suggestions. What's the most open source droid out there nowadays?
I have a Pixel 7a and I love it. Hardware is pretty decent and you get guaranteed security updates until 2028, and since it's the platform on which Google's devs first test stock Android you can be pretty confident that you could also install something like LineageOS when official Android support runs out.
I'm trying out the Pixel 7a after my Galaxy S21 died. My only major complaint is how slippery it is. I have a case coming, but damn this thing is like the hardest phone to hold I've ever had. I never feel like I have a grip on it. But for the money, it seems like a super nice phone. Feels very premium, and after turning animation scale to .5x in dev settings, it feels very nice.
I'm on a Pixel 6 Pro, and love it. I've found the battery life more than enough for my needs (getting a day to a day and a half per charge), and while the finger print sensor isn't all that great, everything else more than makes up for it.
If everything I've heard about the P7 being the more refined P6, that would be my choice if I had to replace my phone today. Hoping that the rumours of google going to flat displays for the 8 Pro are true.
You know I was thinking about getting a pixel because I always end up installing the "pixel experience" roms,. And now that I have a pixel watch it just kind of makes sense, as long as I can completely slap different firmware on there if I so choose, then I'm happy
Agree - I jumped from a OnePlus 5T to a Pixel 5a 2 years ago and have no regrets. It really depends on what you're modding for, but I found that on Pixel not having (as much) bloatware, getting the latest Android updates, having real Google Camera support instead of chasing the best mod, and using Wavelet instead of Viper4Android took care of most of my rooting needs. Instead, with the unlockable bootloader I've been able to explore custom OSes like GrapheneOS which has been really great!
The last Pixel I bought was the Pixel 2 XL, which showed me Google has devolved into manufacturing very poor hardware. I returned/replaced my phone FOUR times through Google directly due to the speaker always getting a nasty rattle every single time. I'm the end, I just kept the last one, which still rattled like the others.
Currently, I'm on a Galaxy 12 ultra, and the hardware is incredible (this has always been samsung's strong suit.) This said, there are minor software issues that make me miss the Pixel experience. Nothing like how it used to be, though, and overall I'd heavily recommend these phones to people. Their cameras have always been the best, and that's coming from a long-term professional photographer.
I know this isn't open source, but you can root these easily, or install a ROM and get the most freedom possible!
So it's been quite awhile since I installed a custom os. Does the carrier still matter? I feel like it did 10 years ago. I'm on a not very common carrier.
When I retired my OnePlus 7T, I grabbed a Pixel (6) so I could run GrapheneOS. Takes some getting used to but the improved security and reduced reliance on all the Google apps has been mostly good.
Can't beat the Pixel in that regard. Google doesn't give two hoots what you do with your phone once you buy it. You can flash custom ROMs, unlock AND relock bootloader,... you name it. Pixels are really fantastic for that reason.
I went from a OP7Pro to a Pixel 7a and I'm loving it. (I was previously into the Nexus line before it was discontinued, so I suppose it was a natural switch... :))
The battery life isn't super impressive, but the camera is pretty good and quite snappy comparatively. I've found performance to be more than adequate. Not confident it'll last as long as my OP did (was still going strong at nearly 4 years old) but for the price point and feature set, it's a solid choice. No regrets here!
ETA: The size was a big selling point for me. I wanted something easier to hold in one hand.
If you can wait till the 12th, the new Nothing Phone 2 looks nice, if you want something small and with a headphone jack I suggest the ZenFone 10. You can also find the s23 for cheap
I'm in the same boat, looking to upgrade from my Oneplus 8 Pro and not interested in the new oneplus phones because there's no wireless charging. Bizarre.
Currently looking like the Pixel 7 Pro is my best bet I think.
Damn, my 3T started giving out 2 and a half years ago and I got a S20+, and debloated the 3T and only use it to stream spotify or maybe stream stuff to a chromecast once in a while, surprisingly, it's been working fine since lol. I like the cleaner experience the galaxy series has, would also like to hear what are the recommendations now.
If you want something you could throw a different ROM on you could always try a used pixel 6 or newer with lineage OS. What kind of carrier compatibility do you need?