Good bye reddit, hello lemmy!
2 0 Replysuper_user_do
We are all fighters and we are struggling for better social networks for our children
2 0 ReplyYoru
What I love the most about Lemmy is that you can see the downvotes as well!
1 0 ReplyWhoRoger OP
Not all instances have downvotes, but most do
1 0 Reply
Ørez⁶⁶ o7
1 0 Replykwiksilver New community hype
1 0 ReplyKuma
And when you have commented more on Lemmy than all your years on redit to hope to boost the subs/comms you love. Yes i was a lurker
1 0 Replyroomey I guess there's more of a chance someone will actually read it when you post here. What's disturbing me is how many of the comments on Reddit were just bots or farmers? I bet... Many
2 0 Reply
Shitposters are always doing their part
1 0 ReplyChiyo
First comment baby! Feels good to be off that other toxic site.
1 0 Replytmpod
Welcome! :3
1 0 Reply
TheGreenGhost Hello all! Spent the last six years ghosting on Reddit, this is my first comment here :D
1 0 ReplyConman_Signor
I have arrived from Reddit as well
1 0 ReplyTaleOfSam I’m here! I’m traffic! o7
0 0 ReplyDruidgrove
Me too!
0 0 ReplysetInner234 Me too! And it's all shit posts :)
0 0 Reply
prosthetiknow Never commented on reddit, and here I go on a days old post.
0 0 ReplyWhoRoger OP
And I managed to have a top meme of all time for weeks. Nice to be an early adopter.
1 0 Reply
What movie was this from?
0 0 ReplyAkasazh
Starship troopers
0 0 Replyqprimed underrated flick with some biting social commentary.
0 0 Reply