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  • I had once heard described that fahrenheit's best feature is that you can go "oh, 1-100, 'sheesh, that's really cold!' to 'hoof, that's pretty hot!'" and yeah, while I was in the US where most temperatures (RIP Florida) change all the time, that sure was convenient.

    However, living in a country that always stays in the 80-100 range, the 'oh fuck, the water's freezing' to 'oh fuck, the heat death of the sun is upon us' range is a MUCH more useful scale to knowing if we've been struck by some sort of apocalyptic event today

  • I live in the United States and although I grew up here using Fahrenheit, I switched to Celsius almost 10 years ago. Part of my reason for switching was the rest of the world was using Celsius and every time they would mention the temperature, I had no clue if that was very hot, or just right and kept having to convert, so since there were not that many countries that used Fahrenheit, I switched. I still know what the comfortable range is in Fahrenheit, but now I also know in Celsius as I use it every day. Also, I no longer appear to be an old curmudgeon that is resistant to using a system the rest of the world already uses.

  • Fahrenheit is better. Fight me

    • Ha! You can't just say "fight me" and then disappear! What are your arguments?

      • The range for livable temperatures follows a more reasonable scale. Hot is really high numbers. Cold is low. The exact temperature is more precise because the range is larger.
        Celsius is fine for scientists but for the regular person Fahrenheit has a better range.
        Also I'm biased.