Lemmy federation graph?
Lemmy federation graph?
Is there any website that shows the federation status between instances in some graphical way like Venn diagram or whatever?
hawkwind @lemmy.management
It’s not great but it does have the data.
15 0 Replyrist097 @lemmy.world OP Thanks, it is what I wanted. Sadly it doesn't work so well.
5 0 ReplySpzi @lemm.ee When I joined a month ago, it was almost usable. Or rather, it began to become unusable.
Lemmy was small and stable for years, until it got spezzed up. This view was built during this plateau phase, facing unprecedented challenges now.
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indigomirage @lemmy.ca That is very interesting!
3 0 Reply
TamiTech @discuss.tchncs.de As far as I know there is this one provided by the folks over at feddit.de
4 0 ReplyMetatronix @lemmy.world Maybe not exactly right, but does allow you to see some numbers. https://the-federation.info/platform/73
1 0 Replytenth @lemmy.world Maybe one with popular instances since there are thousands of then
1 0 Replypalitu @lemmy.perthchat.org Asyclical directed graph. Is that the term for the type of diagram?
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