I've just had this idea. Why don't we create a bot that scans comments and replies to them with boardgamegeek links for every game found in the comment?
To simplify the implementation I would be favourable to introduce some sort of syntax to make unambiguous whether or not some words are a game name or not.
The bot comments don't link to its source, but searching the bot username on Google leads to this repository, that looks good at afirst glance. Seems to be a python bot and the source code contains the URL of the Slay The Spire Wiki: https://github.com/painebenjamin/spirescanbot
Looking alright for an MVP. Now just need to prevent duplicate comments, add a bot disclaimer, do a little code cleanup, and remember the password to my server.
Honestly, I'm most concerned about that last item...
Edit: one more test [[Robo Rally]] [[Arkham Horror]]
I'm probably in the minority but I am not a fan of bot posts sprinkled into the thread. I am happy with just having the game names Clearly Marked or Manually Linked.
I'm okay with a bot providing extra context. It's easy to block for those who don't want it.
I do hope that people will get into the habit of making game titles bold. It makes it so much easier to scan a ton of comments to see if a particular game is being talked about.