Well, that's certainly an article title isn't it. But I mean it. Microsoft, don't you dare touch Valve. You're fat enough already and too big as it is.
I have to imagine he has something planned (inb4 GabeN AI Overlord) for after he’s gone.
He’s a bit crazy about prepping for disaster iirc. He lives in New Zealand now and has since the Covid outbreak. I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a very long document that lays out a lot of rules for if he’s gone and Steam is to continue
At that point I'll probably too old and have lost interest in gaming anyway, so I'll just let the next generation of gamers figure it out themselves. Kinda like boomers leaving us to deal with high property price problem because it's no longer their concern anymore.
But they did allow it, unfortunately. And MS could simply argue that it already has dominance in the PC space as 96% of PC gamers are Windows users. So owning Steam is just buying 1 out of many stores (here they tout Epic, Amazon, etc).
I mean it's a bad argument but MS made a lot of bad arguments to get their way and they seemingly worked.
Activision-Blizzard-King isn't a dominant company in any segment. You can't say the same for steam. Regulators would have a much easier time blocking such an acquisition.
The regulatory bodies hand waved actiblizzard through. Let's not pretend anything else happened there. Microsoft can do whatever they want and no one is gonna stop them. Same as every other big company.
The only thing stopping Ms. is that valve is a privately owned company. But everyone has a price.
there was an interesting take about that on the wan show (not ms but steam). the emphasis was on steam's value, which is unknown but actually very high