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BIN Weekly Podcast: Tyler Perry’s Relationship Advice, Rolling Stone’s Co-Founder’s Racist Remarks, CAU Floods BIN Weekly Podcast: Tyler Perry’s Relationship Advice, Rolling Stone’s Co-Founder’s Racist Remarks, CAU Floods - Atlanta Tribune

This week on the Black Information Network Daily Podcast, host Ramses Ja talks with A.R. Shaw (author of “Trap History”/Executive Editor ADW) about the week’s top news items. Shaw and Ja share their thoughts on Tyler Perry’s relationship advice, Rolling Stone’s co-founder’s racist remarks, CAU dorm ...

BIN Weekly Podcast: Tyler Perry’s Relationship Advice, Rolling Stone’s Co-Founder’s Racist Remarks, CAU Floods - Atlanta Tribune

From the Atlanta Tribune:

This week on the Black Information Network Daily Podcast, host Ramses Ja talks with A.R. Shaw (author of “Trap History”/Executive Editor ADW) about the week’s top news items. Shaw and Ja share their thoughts on Tyler Perry’s relationship advice, Rolling Stone’s co-founder’s racist remarks, CAU dorm floods and another Karen gone wild. Listen to full episode […]

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