reactor bad.jpg
reactor bad.jpg
reactor bad.jpg
Friendly reminder that air pollution from fossil fuels kill ~9 million people per year
The title of this post is sarcasm
Oh yeah, I understood this is a pro nuclear meme. I agree with your meme.
I wouldn’t be worried. Nuclear waste is fairly easy to detect and carries a unique signature from the reactor that it came from. If an operator starts dumping waste, they’re going to be caught very quickly.
That's the joke, everyone is scared of a hypothetical non-viable fear and they completely ignore the current reality.
That requires someone to want to catch them and not be corrupted.
What is this? Just 75 years of illegal waste dumping, poisoning thousands of people. And the Government made sure to help cover up and downplay the issue.
Bribes, bribes and more bribes seem totally normal for the nuclear industry.
Noone sane would trust these kind of people to organize safe storage for hundreds of thousands of years.
I'm super pro nuclear energy But at the same time people are stupid and that kind of scares me
US Navy reactors are run by 18-year-olds supervised by 25-year-olds so far pretty good track record.
They both suck. Going renewable is the only way.
You should search the term grid scale storage and get back to me with a viable solution.
Already a thing m8
How about a mixture of batteries (redox-flow, LiFePo, NaFePO, iron-air, Li-Ion), thermal storage (porous volcanic stone, heated water, liquid salt), mechanical storage (giant rotating masses, compressed air), pumped hydroelectrical storage, power-to-gas or power to liquid(hydrogen or ammonia) and creating interconnected power grids?
That should do. Would not create a single point of failure and prevent having everything in the hands of probably a single entity.
There's a strong argument to be made for nuke plants, but there's a solid, high production value video here. It's Kurzgesagt if you know them.
EDIT. This was supposed to be a reply to /u/Omega_Haxors
Reactor bad.jpg. Bill Gates money tainted them all don't you know they exclusively build the reactor foundations upon the corpses of microchipped babies
Oh you mean that Gates-funded greenwasher? I think I recognize him from somewhere.
The important thing is clean energy, regardless of whether or not it is renewable.
Fossil fuel based solutions are significantly worse for climate change than nuclear. Saying that the other renewables are better is matter of discussion, but renewables without nuclear are not going to make the cut. Using both renewables and nuclear is best to cut emissions.
nuclear is not viable. It is not stabilizing but endangering the grid as nuclear plants are vulnerable to heat waves and dry spells. The kind of westher events to increase drastically with climate change. In Europe many nuclear reactors had to be powered down in the last summers because they couldnt get cooled anymore. Also they put further stress on limited water ressources by literally evaporating the water away.
You can life without electricity but you cant life without water.
It's okay OP I got the joke