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  • It's easy to polarize with such a headline/picture. Reality is way more nuanced than this:

    Migrants are in fact being saved from shipwrecks, it is (sadly) in the news every week or so. The main problem is that these migrants don't have communication devices with them to signal emergencies, unlike the submarine. The boat on the surface alarmed emergency services when they lost connection with the sub, starting the rescue operation. It is difficult to rescue a boat of migrants, when you don't even know that they are in danger in the first place.

    Secondly, the harsh reality is that most migrants try to enter a country illegally. Which by definition, is a huge risk on their part. The rich people on the sub were not doing anything illegal. However, in both cases, the people in or on the boat accepted the risks involved in their endeavor.

    • @Ronno the problem is making the natural human right of migration illegal in the first place.

      • How are you going to continue to enforce gun control in your country if there are zero borders?

    • Secondly, the harsh reality is that most migrants try to enter a country illegally

      Great. Doesn't mean you get to just outright murder them.

  • But silver lining, we now know we can get the rich to take care of themselves if we offer them sketchy exploration opportunities too exclusive for the poors